wrong choice

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farkle minkus

I watched as Charlie asked Riley to the prom. I knew she would say yes because she's too kind to turn someone down but when I actually heard her say it... I- I lost it. I felt like I was on the edge of tears and that she picked him over me. I stood up and quickly walked out of the cafeteria. I didn't care it was the middle of the school day, I called Neal.

I waited outside in the cold.

I saw him pull up in the black suv.

I got into the back seat.

"aren't you freezing standing in the cold with no coat?" Neal asked

"I didn't feel a thing." I said the truth and only the truth.

"are you alright Farkle? Calling in the middle of the school day is not like you..." Neal asked.

"Just feeling stomach sick, it came out of nowhere." I said. I looked out the window at the frosty neighbourhood. I felt hurt. broken. I didn't want to go to the prom anymore.

It sucks that I can't even blame Riley for making me feel this way, she doesn't know what she did by saying yes.

Once I got home I fell asleep so I didn't have to think about it.

• • •

"Farkle?" I heard Lucas say

I sat up in my bed and saw my two best friends.

"how're you doing?" Zay asked

I shrugged.

"can I tell you something... you might get mad at me but it's for the best." Lucas said "you should still go to the prom, yeah it sucks that Charlie beat you to asking Riley... but I think that you should come to spend time with your friends. You know how your life can be taken away from you in the blink of an eye, so celebrate."

I sighed.

"I don't know." I spoke weakly.

Riley Matthews

I was at Charlie's house, and we were trying to figure out what we would wear. His parents were so happy that he's taking me, Charlie and I used to be really close but kinda drifted.

I felt bad that we were doing all this planning, when I wanted it to be with Farkle.

I had to push that away and think of how I can make Charlie happy.

It was already nine o'clock "I think I should get going." I said

"okay- I'll drive you." He suggested.

"okay." I agreed and put on my shoes and coat, his parents said goodbye to me. They were sweet. I got into the passengers side of his car and he got into the drivers and drove me to the apartment.

"thank you, I'll text you later." I said before getting out and climbing the fire escape to my window.

As soon as I got in my room I started crying.

It didn't feel right.

I should've said no.

I should've just ran as far away as I could.

I made a mistake.

getaway ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now