long night.

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Saturday, December 17th.

I was angrily awoken by my annoying alarm clock I had set the night before. I rubbed my head then turned the alarm off. I pushed my heavy white comforter off my body then slipped my pink slippers on.

I trudged out to the kitchen and sat down. My mom was cutting fruit and my dad was reading through school papers. Auggie was on the couch playing on his iPad.

nobody said anything to me "good morning to you too guys!" I said loudly and then everyone looked at me.

"Riley oh honey, you look terrible." My mom spoke. I rolled my eyes at her. "eat some fruit then go have a shower, you have to perform at the charity event tonight."

"oh yeah..." I forgot that was today. "I don't have a dress."

"Jennifer sent one over for you to wear. She bought it with her money." My mom smirked. I scoffed at her.

"She better not have." I replied exhaustedly.

"It's in the piano room."

I quickly ran up the stairs and into my room. I pushed the closet door open then the piano door open. there it was.


• • •

Maya finished straightening my curly hair out while I did some makeup although I hate it. After all that stuff was over I put on the large ball gown. "you look like a Disney princess." Maya laughed as I uncomfortably shifted fixing the chest area.

"wearing this better be worth what I'm getting paid." All I wanted to do was get paid and leave.

"Riiiiley!" my mom called. "Your lift will be here soon!"

The so called Jennifer had also got their chauffeur to come get me early. My parents aren't going till later and Maya is staying here to make sure Auggie doesn't get into any trouble.

 My parents aren't going till later and Maya is staying here to make sure Auggie doesn't get into any trouble

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"So... I'll see you after." Maya smiled and I nodded. She kissed my cheek and passed me my piano papers. "bye honey."

I sighed and walked down to the living room. My mom gasped as she saw me. "Riley... you're so gorgeous. And the dress fits like a glove!"

"I feel overdressed." I spoke quietly.

"honey this is a rich event, you definitely aren't overdressed." my dad was fixing his tie while looking out the window. "there is your ride Riley." He pointed out the window suddenly. I groaned the put on my coat and shoes. I grabbed my papers and held my dress up before taking the elevator downstairs and out into the cold December air.

"Riley Matthews?" The man in a black tux asked in his fancy accent. I don't get how someone can make a name fancy...

"yeah that's um that's me." I said shakily he opened the back door of the slick black vehicle. He helped me in and shut the door once I was inside.

The beginning of the car ride was quiet, then the chauffeur spoke up. "I hear you are the pianist for the night?" yuck I hate small talk especially about myself.

"yes I am." I knew I sounded closed off because I honestly didn't want to talk.

"you don't look very... professional."

I didn't know what to say back. "Well..." I chuckled in a fake way "just wait till I play." He shifted in the drivers seat. "didn't your mother ever tell you to not judge a book by its cover?"

"I like you." He replied with a chuckle suddenly sounding way less fancy. "I have to pretend to be professional and fancy while I'm not. I want to be a comedian!"

I laughed at him slightly. "well why not?" I asked curiously.

"this job pays amazingly and if I give it up, I could be done for." he replied and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"how much further..." I needed his name.

"Neal! And just another fifteen minutes." I was shocked at his reply.

"it's already been fifteen minutes, how far away is this place?" I questioned.

"well Riley, Mrs. Jennifer's house is the most large and expensive house I've ever seen." Neal said while keeping his eyes on the road. "ball rooms, a royal garden, balconies, it's-"

He rambled on and on as I practiced the piano songs, on my thigh.

sooner than later we pulled up to a large gate and it opened once Neal gave his name. The car ride after there was about three minutes. I saw beautiful lightly frosted flowers and a huge fountain.

Neal parked and walked over to my door and helped me out. He put his arm out so he could help me walk and not slip on any potential ice.

let me be completely honest here...

I wore low top converse under my dress because they are so comfortable and nobody will see my shoes anyways.

we walked to the doors and there were two other workers in black suits helping me although I didn't need it.

this is going to be a long night

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