the prom

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farkle minkus

"so-" zay began his thought as the trio sat in the booth of chubby's. It was crowded since tonight was game night. It was mostly men downing beer. "did anything besides the essays happen last night?"

I looked down at my hands then back up at the two "we cried." I said bluntly making zay finally have no words left to say. Lucas took a swig of root beer. "what... do you want me to lie and say we made out?"

"no? I just want to know how you guys are doing. I'm surprised you told me that and not just 'nothing'" zay said defensively. It's been hard for the guys to be there for me while I mourn. I've been such a downer.

"I'm sorry-" I was about to apologize for snapping

"it's okay Farkle, we get it." Lucas was the one to step in and tell me Im not being so harsh. "Just open up to us more."

• a few months later •

The last year of high school had started and it is now December of our senior year things haven't really changed, and that's mostly my fault.

I was walking Riley into school and to her locker. Lucas and Maya had started dating recently so it's really been making me think.

"you cheated like seven times!" I said to Riley as we walked down the hallway. We were talking about the uno game us friends played the other night.

"Farkle I didn't cheat! How do you even cheat in an uno game?" Riley fought back.

"that's something a cheater would ask!" I shot back at her as we got to her locker. Maya, Lucas, and Zay stood by watching us.

"you better get running before I punch you." Riley said in anger. I smiled at her.

"you're so cute when you get angry." I leaned against the locker that was beside hers.

"you two are so cute together." Lucas teased.

"It's platonic!" Everyone said in unison copying Riley. Riley looked at us all in confusion.

"do I say it that much?" She asked feeling insecure.

Everyone groaned as if it was obvious, which it was.

the bell rang

"so guess what." Maya said to me with a smile "prom is soon..."

"No." I said quickly "there is no way I am going."

"what how come?" Maya asked while I leaned against my locker.

"I'll never get asked..." I shrugged I knew it was true. If Farkle and I were meant to be we would've been by now.

"Riley even if nobody asks you, you should still go it's-" Maya began to say

"no." I cut her off

"fine." Maya walked off.

It's a few days later and prom is soon, like a week away. Nobody will shut up about it and it's making me angry. The theme was Mother Nature, it's hard to admit that I love the idea of it.

farkle, maya, Lucas, zay and I were sitting at the cafeteria table we usually always sit at. Everything was average, regular... all of a sudden the schools band came into the cafeteria and began playing rewrite the stars. My heart started to beat really fast, I knew this was for me. I smiled and looked at Farkle assuming it was him but he looked confused at me. My heart shattered, it wasn't him.

The band stopped at our table and continued to play. Someone handed me flowers, and the band finished. "Riley Matthews... will you go to prom with me?" Charlie Gardner a friend of mine smirked and held a sign that said "will you rewrite the stars and go to prom with me."

I couldn't turn it down. I had the fakest smile on my face. "yes." I set the flowers down and stood up. I hugged him. I was disappointed it wasn't Farkle but again I knew he never wanted me that way. It's... platonic.

The cafeteria clapped and I let out a sigh.

I looked back at the table and saw mixed emotions. Maya was happy, Lucas looked shocked, Zay was looking down... and Farkle well he was nowhere to be seen.

"where's Farkle?" I asked the table of friends. They didn't know what to say.

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