wrong brother

714 21 4

farkle minkus

"so..." zay said awkwardly "you want anyone in particular to ask you to the prom?"

"Maya." Lucas smiled then looked over at the blonde bombshell. "Damn."

"not you, dumbass." Zay punched Lucas out of his gaze. "Farkle?"

It took me a minute to think. Of course I'd want riley to ask me but that has to be a secret. "Um no, not that I can think of." I said then shut my locker.

"no sexy tall brunette on your mind?" lucas nudged me. I pictured riley wearing a long dress with a slit up the side, and myself escorting her into the dance.

"No?" I played it off as if I had no idea what they were saying. "Let's go to practice."

we started to walk, I wasn't paying too much attention and I hit someone's side. I turned and saw riley.

"I'm so sorry" we said in unison

"I need to talk to you later." She said a couple seconds after silence.

"you gonna be here after football practice?" I asked. She came close to my ear and whispered.

"music room."

I nodded then continued walking. Lucas and Zay looked at me weirdly. When we got into the change room they asked me about it. "I think Riley's going to ask me to go to the dance." I said then I kept looking down, I do that when I'm nervous.

"no way." Zay was in shock "yes or no?"

"Well yeah of course!"

After practice I hurriedly had a shower in the change room then. Got back into my normal clothes. I put my bag on my back leaving without telling Lucas or zay.

I ran to the the music room and stood outside the door for a couple seconds letting myself catch my breath. I could hear her playing "Have yourself a merry little Christmas" I could hear her singing too. I didn't know she liked to sing.

I opened the door slowly trying not to make a sound. I closed it behind me.

She stopped and turned her head to see me. "Great you're here!" She stood up and grabbed my hand taking me to sit on the piano bench with her. "I needed to ask you something about the prom..."

this is it, I'm going to be asked to the prom. "okay, go for it." I kept looking down. My nervous tick will never leave.

"I was wondering if it would be alright to ask Leo to go with me as my date."

are you fucking kidding me?

"why are you asking me?" I said a bit disappointed.

"because I know he's your secret and I don't want to expose him. It's all up to you. I'll only ask if you're okay with it." She smiled with a smile that I couldn't say no to.

"it's okay with me, just don't tell anyone leo and I are siblings." I nodded feeling myself upset over a girl I didn't have a crush on and didn't even know.

"awesome, thanks you're a great brother." she smiled and put her bag on her back. She stood up and waved before walking out of the music room and out of the school. I put my head against the piano keys making a loud noise as I grunted in frustration.

"So! Did she ask the big question?" Zay cheered as he walked through the door with Lucas behind him.

I looked up "yup... but not for me, she wants to ask Leo."

"oh... damn um-" Lucas began

"I know it's shitty for me, but it's great for Leo so obviously I'm happy." I faked a smile. Lucas and zay cringed at my fake happiness. "Is it that obvious?"

"yes." They said in unison.

Riley Matthews

once I got home I was thinking of how to ask Leo. I didn't want to do anything crazy and annoying like those stupid promposal things. My phone buzzed, I picked it up and unlocked it

maya: hey Lucas messaged me about farkle?

Wait what? What about...

riley: okay? About what?

maya is typing...

maya: he said that Farkle thought you were going to ask him to the prom but something else happened and now he's lowkey not happy about it.

crap. what the hell am I supposed to do now, wait... Farkle is upset that I didn't ask him to the dance. Is there something I don't know?

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