half dead

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A/N: I genuinely don't care if nobody reads this book, I love it and want to publish it. I haven't posted in forever but I just hope y'all enjoy. Love love love riarkledarlin


"she sounds lovely." Leo smirked at me. I was updating Leo about the event and Riley.

I scoffed at him "What do you think about the event, Leo? Not about Riley." He paused and had an uneasy face.

"oh the event was a waste." Leo said truthfully. How could he even think that... it was all for him. I sat up straight. "Listen, I understand that you guys are trying to help find a cure and all but... I have no hope left anymore and I say you guys should give up."

"Leo." I said in between his sentences.

"Just give up, I'm half dead anyways-"

"LEO." I said loudly and angrily. "I'm- we're never going to give up on you."

Leo was taken back my my determination "I need you Leo." He took a deep breath and I could see his Adam's apple shift as he swallowed uneasily. "You are my little brother and I can't live without you." I managed to say.

"I need your help, Farkle."


I felt myself falling drifting off while eating my mac and cheese. It's Monday now and I haven't seen Maya since Saturday. she was on her date with Lucas last night.

my eyes closed for one second. "riley?" I heard and I opened my eyes. I saw a very tired looking Farkle. "can I sit?" He asked. I looked back further and saw Lucas and Zay standing there with their trays in their hands. They weren't going to sit with Farkle and me.

I nodded shyly. I found myself feeling awkward after Saturday. He found my secret about piano and I found out his secret about his brother.

it was quiet.

"I need to talk to you about my brother-" he blurted out.

I let a sigh out "Farkle."

"I feel like you're one person I can spill this all to without being judged for being emotional." He said intensely. I felt bad of course.

"but you barely know me..." I said being brutally honest.

"I want to know you more than anything, I want you to talk to me and me talk to you about something bothering us or anything at all." He tried to fight this and I sighed. "please Riley."

Next thing I know we're walking outside and he's telling me about his brothers bucket list called "Leo's Do Before Die List" it was sadly morbid.

"So let me make sure I have this right, your brother has a bucket list where he has to finish everything on it before... you know." I spoke slowly. "and you want me to help you and him complete it?"

"yes, all you have to do is visit him once a week with me." Farkle put his hands in his jacket pockets.

"why does he want me to do it?" I asked

"I might've told him about you, he wants to meet you." Farkle turned a pink shade.

My heart beated much more quickly. "and what did you tell him?"

"I... told him you wouldn't let mom pay you and that you returned the dress. I told him that you wore converse under your ball gown, I told him about the tip at Chubbys-" he was gushing over me and I felt myself chuckle making him stop talking.

"so when are we going?" I asked with a smile and his eyes widened realizing that I agreed.

"tonight." He bit his lip "I mean if that's okay with you!" He put his hands up in defeat.

"it's perfectly fine." I smiled

• L A T E R •

when I got home I quickly looked for something comfortable to wear.

when I got home I quickly looked for something comfortable to wear

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I gave Farkle my cell so he could call or text. I knew I wouldn't have anytime besides now so I went and played A quick tune on the piano.

I thew my curly-curly-curly hair into a messy bun so it wouldn't be in my face too much.

farkle: hey I'm outside.

I quickly slipped my shoes on and climbed out the bay window.

I saw the black slick vehicle and Neal. I smiled at the chauffeur. "Hello Riley." He held the door open and I nodded back.

I got in the car. "ready?" He asked and I nodded.

The drive to the hospital wasn't too long but i wish it was. It's not that I don't want to meet and help Leo, it's just that I'm really nervous.

I felt uncomfortable because Farkle was playing some classical piano. I knew he was doing this for me but it just made me feel uncomfortable.

we slowly pulled up to the hospital doors.

"tell Leo I say hello." Neal added as he opened the door for me.

I sighed.

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