another secret

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riley matthews

"it was weird though, he's a great guy but I don't know." Maya said while we were supposed to be writing our essays for English class. "Anyways what did you do yesterday?"

I was about to spill my night when I remembered that I was keeping farkles secret. "oh you know... the same old." I lied.

"piano and crying yourself to sleep?" Maya laughed quietly. I looked at her and hit her arm.

"not funny!" I rolled my eyes.

"Look how cute Farkle is." Maya whispered to me. I looked up to see Farkle standing at the teachers desk asking her a question. I looked back at my paper not saying anything. "What? You don't agree?"

"I don't really care to be honest... he has a girlfriend anyways." I replied tiredly. Maya's jaw dropped. "What?"

"You don't know... you really don't know do you?" She was in shock.

"Know what?" I asked in confusion.

"Missy and Farkle broke up." Maya said and I gasped a little. The boy I had the biggest crush on in grade nine is totally single. But no, I can't. I got hurt last time and it's not going to happen again.

"good he deserves better." I spoke proudly for him.

"You got that right." Maya nodded in agreement "now you can get a piece of that."

"Maya shut up." I rolled my eyes.

Farkle started walking in our direction "oh my god, oh my god... he's walking over here." I said thinking he heard our conversation.

"play it cool!" Maya whisper yelled.

"hey, um- miss.adams told me you could edit this for me?" Farkle said talking about the paper. "You're kinda the best editor in the class."

"yeah I'll do it." I smiled

"Thanks." He winked before walking back to his seat and pulling his phone out.

"fuck." I said quietly

"what?" Maya asked.

"you're right, he's so cute."  I replied in awe. I looked down at his paper. It was titled "guilty"

I was kinda nervous to read it. "I want to read!" Maya snatched it from me.

The bell rang and I took the paper back. "I'm meeting lucas for lunch, I'll see you later." Maya said before leaving.

I grabbed my bag and set it on my desk and started putting my binders back into it. "hey." I heard his voice. I looked up and saw Farkle. I put my bag on and held his essay in my hands.

"hi." I blushed a bit.

"Leo won't stop texting me about how cool you are." He smiled, I chuckled.

"I don't think cool would be the right word." I pointed at myself.

We walked out of the class together. "You're pretty cool in my books, for what you're doing." He referenced me helping Leo.

"my pleasure. I'll see you around?" I said just trying to leave the conversation.

"yeah, I hope so." He smiled and I walked away. I quickly went to the music room that was empty as always. I threw my bag on the ground and sat on the bench that was in front of the piano keys.

I began to play, it was nothing specific just how I was feeling. I stopped abruptly and picked his papers up off the ground.

guilty by f.m.
Over these past years I have struggled with my life. My mind is never in the place I need it. Whenever I finally feel happy there is this tick in the back of my head that reminds me that I should feel guilty for being happy, and that some people can never be happy knowing that they could die at any moment, and that the hospital cords are what is holding them back from seeing and doing what they love. I feel guilty everyday and I don't want to feel that way anymore.

I quickly stopped reading. Farkle is not okay. He's screaming for help and I really don't know what to do.

I started to read the rest of his paper. It made me feel sad for him. I wanted to tell Maya but this is another secret that I have to keep for Farkle Minkus.

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