Chapter One

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Picture of Skylar

Skylar's POV

I was running through the woods in my red wolf form. I came to my favorite spot, which was a lake that was just under a cliff.

I set my clothes down, which I was carrying in my mouth, next to the lake and walked up to the top of the cliff. I shifted back into my human form and walked to the edge of the cliff. I looked down and walked back a bit and ran and jumped into the lake. I was instantly engulfed in the freezing cold water.

I swam around for a little bit when I heard rustling coming from the trees. I just ignored it, thinking that whatever it was, I could take seeing as I was the strongest wolf in my pack because I was the alpha's daughter/ first born child, making me the strongest. Also because my pack, the Fire Pack, is the second strongest and biggest pack in the world, after the Dark Moon Pack.

I continued to swim in the lake when I was instantly hit with two mouth watering scents. One was a lemon and strawberry scent and the other was a more minty and woodsy scent.

'Mates! Mates!' my wolf Rose shouted in my head.

I looked over to where the scents were the strongest and saw two wolves come out of the woods. One was a dark brown wolf which smelled more of the minty scent and the second wolf was light brown and he smelled more of lemons.

I got out of the water, not caring that they saw me naked and changed back into my grey shorts, black tank top, and white sandals. Once I was finished, I put my dirty blonde hair in a high ponytail.

I looked up and saw two breath taking men, where the wolves were standing, in just basketball shorts. Their eight packs on full display. They were extremely sexy.

'Mine!' they both growled.

I decided to tease them a little bit. I smirked and walked toward them. I walked around them, running my fingers along their abs and lightly brushed against them. I felt them stiffen under my touch.

"What are your guys' names?" I asked, standing in front of them and lightly brushing my fingers along their abs.

"I-I'm Ry-Ryder and this is my twin bro-brother Z-Zach." The guy, with the minty/woodsy scent, stuttered. I removed my hands and inspected their looks.

Ryder and Zach were both very tall, probably 6'5, and a good eight inches taller than me. Me being 5'9. They were also very tan and muscular. Both of their messy styled hair was a dark brown. Ryder's eyes were a deep, dark blue and Zach's were a grass green. Ryder has tattoos all up his arms and Zach had tattoos on one arm and a few on his chest.

"What's your name beautiful?" Zach asked, looking me up and down.

"Skyler." I said with a smirk.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Ryder said, also looking me up and down.

I have long, wavy, dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. I am also 17 years old. I had a slim yet muscular figure. I had a fairly big butt and a good size chest.

"Wow cheesy much?" I giggled. "Anyway, it was nice meeting you handsome boys, but I should go."

Right as I turn around to leave, I felt tingles on my arms; knowing that they grabbed my arms. I got turned around and faced them.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"You're not leaving us. You're ours!" Ryder growled.

"I don't think so boys." I replied.

"Why not." Zach sneered.

"Because I'm not just something you can own. You have to earn it. Now, let me go." I growled.

"No. You're coming with us!" they both growled, trying to pull me with them.

"NO!" I growled, and yanked my arms out of their grasp; shocking both of them with my strength.

I shifted into my red wolf, ripping my clothes in the process, and took off back to my pack. I heard paws hit the ground behind me, so I pushed myself harder and eventually got back to my pack house.

I looked behind me and saw both wolves at the tree line looking back at me before they turned around and ran off.

I walked into the pack house and up to my room before I shifted back to my human form. I put on white shorts and an AC-DC t-shirt and a pair of tall socks.

I was on my laptop on YouTube, when my best friend Lauran came in.

Lauran was 5'9 like me and has long, straight, bright red hair and blue-grey eyes. She had a slim muscular figure with a big butt and chest. She was the Betas daughter, also first born. She was 17 like I was. I was only a week older than her. She was wearing a Beetles t-shirt with blue shorts and ankle socks.

"Hey Sky." She said, sitting down on my bed

"Hey Lo Lo." I said, turning my laptop off and putting it on my bedside table.

"How was your run?" she asked.

"It was good, until I found my mates." I muttered, looking anywhere but at her.

"WHAT?!? YOU FOUND YOUR MATE?" she shouted.

"Shhh." I said, covering her mouth. "Yes, I found my mates." I said

"Wait, mates, as in 'S' as in plural."'

"Yes. My mates are twins."

"Wow! Are they hot?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows

"OMFG YES! They are gorgeous!"

"What are their names? What do they look like? How big are their muscles?" she asked, with a huge smile on her face.

"Their names are Ryder and Zach. They have messy dark brown hair and Ryder has deep, dark blue eyes and Zach has grass green eyes, and they have huge muscle." I said with a huge grin.

"If they are so perfect then why are you here instead of with them?"

"Because they can't just have me, they have to earn me."


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