Chapter Ten

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Picture above is Janice

Skylar's POV

The whole pack was in the dinning room and diner was about to be served.

"Skylar," Lily said from behind me. "Could you come help serve food."

"Sure." I got up and followed Lily to the kitchen.

"Could you grab one of those pots and got set it on the table."

"Yup." I grab the pot and follow some other pack member to the dinning room. As I was going to set is on the table I tripped and the food in the pot spilled everywhere.

"Skylar!" Ryder shouted, as he got up to come help me. As he was checking for any injuries I head two annoying and screechy laughs.

"Watch where you're going next time why don't you." A girl said to me. She had black hair and a face full of makeup. The girl next to her, who I'm guessing is her friend, was the same way, black hair and a face caked with makeup.

"Ashley, watch what you say." Ryder growled.

"What, it's true. Why would you even want her anyway, she's obviously clumsy and not to mention ugly."

"It wasn't even her fault she fell. You tripped her, I saw it." Janice said from another table.

"Is this true?" Ryder asked.

"Of course not."

"You are a filthy liar."

"Ry, baby, are you going to let that skank speak to me like that, I am their future Luna after all." As soon as those words left her mouth I saw red and my wolf took over.

"How dare you speak those words. I am this packs rightful Luna and if you say otherwise I will destroy you and if I ever hear you call my mate 'baby' again, let's just say that will be the last word you ever say. This is now my pack and if I feel that you are a threat to the safety of it we are going to have major problems," I growled, causing her to whimper. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-yes Luna." She said, terrified.

"Good, now you and your little friend can get out of my sight." They scurried away and as soon as they were gone my wolf gave me back control. I looked around and say everyone wide eyes.

"What?" I asked, and they all applauded.

"You were amazing Sky," Zach said, coming up to me. "You are going to be an amazing Luna."

"It wasn't even me, it was my wolf."

"Doesn't matter who it was, you showed that you are the Luna and you showed the pack that you will protect them."

"Well I would, they are my family now and I will do anything to keep them safe." Both the boys kissed me on the cheek and brought me back to my seat.

The rest of dinner wasn't to spectacular. We all ate, I help clean up, and a few pack member came up to me to tell me how amazing I, or more my wolf, was.

I was done cleaning and found Jason, the twins, and Lauran in the living room. I sat in between the boys and notice that they were watching the Avengers, age of Ultron, my favorite movie. They weren't to far into it yet. When the movie was almost half way through Janice came in, with who I'm guessing is her mate behind her.

"Pause the movie," I said. "Hey Janice, what's up."

"Well you said you wanted to meet my mate right?"

"Oh, yes, I would very much like to meet this man." I got up and walked towards them

"Well Skylar, this is my mate Max, Max, Skylar."

"Hello Max, nice to meet you." I said, putting my hand out.

"Nice to meet you as well Luna." Max said as he shook my hand.

"Please, call me Skylar, Luna is to formal for my taste."

"Alright, Skylar." He said with a smile.

"Now Max, I hope you are taking special care with this girl, I know I only just met Janice today but if I hear that you hurt her I will personally beat you up myself."

"Skylar, of course I am taking care of Janice and I promise that from now on I will take even more care cause from what happened tonight, I'm afraid of what would happen if I did anything less."

"Good, good, good, then I think we should get along just fine. Now Janice, I have someone I would like you to meet, Lauran," I called her, she got up form her spot next to Jason and walked to me. "Lauran, this is Janice, Janice, this is my best friend Lauran."

"Nice to meet you Lauran."

"And you as well Janice."

"An of course you should know Ryder, Zach, and Jason." I said, motioning to them.

"Of course, Alpha's, Beta." She slightly bowed in respect.

"Nice to see you Janice, Max." Zach said to them.

"Alpha's, Beta. I would like to inform that there has been no rouges who have enter our land."

"Excellent work Max." Ryder said.

"Thank you sir."

"Well that was boring, anyway, how bout we go shopping tomorrow, just us girls." I suggest.

"Sure." Janice said.

"Why not."

"Okay great. We can leave at about 11?"

"Sounds good, okay well I'm gonna go to bed, see you later." Said Janice

"Good night." I walked over to the boys and pulled them off the couch.

"Where are we going?" They asked at the same time.

"To bed." I pulled them up to our room, got into some pajamas, they took their shirts off and put of some basketball shorts, and we all got into bed, me in the middle, and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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