Chapter Twenty One

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Zach's POV

It has been a few days and Ryder and I have come to the conclusion that it was Alpha Leo from a neighboring pack that has taken our Sky. Pack trackers are still trying to his hide out but are coming up short. The whole pack has become restless worrying about their Luna. Ryder and I haven't slept since she was taken and others are getting worried about us as well.

I was in Ryder and I's office with Jason, Max, and Ryder. We were looking over a map, trying to find the next spot to look.

"What about here?" Jason asked, pointing to a spot on the map.

"Checked there, nothing was found." Ryder said. "Where could she be?" He whispered to himself.

"And you're sure she isn't st his pack house?" Max questioned.

"Positive, we've double checked, and he wouldn't be dumb enough to hide her there." I said. We continued to look over the map when the office door slammed open, revealing a pack tracker. 

"Alpha's, we've found her."

Skylar's POV

I don't know how many days it's been, seeing as there aren't any windows in this room. The man, whose name I have learned is Leo, has started to hint that any day now we are going to mate, which has gotten me very scared. The same girl who has been bringing me food walked in with yet another try of food. 

"Here you go Luna." She said.

"I am not your Luna." I growled. I may be getting weak but my  anger is still strong. (Sorry if that doesn't quite make sense, didn't know how to word it.)

 "Of course you are, now eat, Alpha Leo has a surprise for you when you're done." She winked. A wave of disgust came over me when she  said that. All I want right now is Ryder and Zach, not some grimy 40 some tear old Alpha.

The girl helped feed me, since I was tied up, and when I finished, she grabbed the somewhat empty plates and headed to the door.

"I'll be back in a couple hours to help you prepare for the Alpha." She said, then turned her back and walked out the door. 

What am I supposed to do know? I've tried to mind link the twins but since we haven't mated yet, it isn't strong. Wait. Maybe I can still link Lauran. Why didn't I think of this before, I'm so stupid.

'Lauran.' I said through the link. 'Lauran, you there.'

'Skylar!' Lauran said back. 

'Yes, yes, it's me.'

'Do you know where you are?' She questioned, getting a little anxious.

'Not really, I think I am  in an underground bunker, maybe under thinks creepy Alpha's pack house, or somewhere near? I don't know but you need to hurry and find me, I think he wants to mate me tonight.'

'I'll let the twins know, don't worry Sky, we'll find you.'

'Please hurry Lo,' And I cut off the link. Now to wait for this Alpha.


Short chapter. Sorry I haven't updated, I've been busy and had a little writers block. I'm hoping to update a lot, (Cross your fingers) tomorrow so look forward to that. I hope you all haven't forgotten about me just yet. This story is close to an end, maybe between 2-4 more chapters ish, but be looking forward to a squeal *hint hint*

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