Chapter Six

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Outfit Skylar wears above

Skylar's POV

I woke up the next morning in my clothes from yesterday; it was eight in the morning. I was still wrapped in the guys' arms so I had to carefully wiggle my way out of their grasp, being very careful not to wake them.

I went over to my bags of clothes that I still need to put away, and pulled out some jean shorts and a black tank top with some black sandals.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. I got in and washed my hair and body and shaved all the needed areas. I got out, and dried off. I put on a matching black bra and panty set, and then put my shorts and tank top on. I dried and brushed my hair and leaving it in its wavy state. I only put on some lip gloss, not bothering to do more.

I take one last look in the mirror and I finally notice my marks from the boys. Zach's is his name in silver cursive letters with a crescent moon around his name. Ryder's is his name in black cursive letters and a sun around his name.

I walk out of the bathroom and see that the boys are still asleep. I slip on my black vans and walk out of our room and to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and saw that Lauran was up to.

She was wearing a floral crop top, jean shorts, and a floral kimono.

"Hey Lo." I said, walking to the fridge and pulling out the carton of eggs.

"Hey." She said, while cooking bacon.

I got a pan out and put in on the stove. I cracked some eggs and started to cook them.

"So, what did you and Jason do last night?" I asked

"Not much. He just gave me this." She said with a huge smile on her face and showing me the side of her neck by her collar bone.

"OMG!" I squealed. "He marked you?" her mark was Jason's name in blue cursive letters with a howling wolf on the side of it.

"Yeah." She said really excited. "I see that the twins did the same."

"Yeah." I said blushing.

"There pretty."

"I know right. So it yours."

We finished the food just as a three of the guys came down.

"Good morning." Lauran and I said at the same time.

"Morning." They said

The twins came over to me and pecked my check then my marks, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"You weren't there when we woke up babe." Ryder whispered in my ear, causing another shiver to run down my spine.

"I wanted to make you breakfast." I said innocently.

"You really shouldn't be wearing that." Zach said, turning me to face him.

"And why is that." I smirked as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms snaked around my waist.

"It shows too much. Only we get to see you like this." He growled.

"Maybe, maybe not. I think I'll wear this around everyone." I teased.

"Mine." He growled.

I stood on my tip toes and pulled him into a passionate kiss. He didn't hesitate to respond. I felt a hot breath on my neck as Zach and I were kissing and felt Ryder's arms wrap around me and slowly kiss my neck and the mark he left.

Zach lips left mine and trailed down to his mark. Ryder then captured my lips and was then in front of me as Zach was behind my kissing my neck and his mark.

I heard someone clear their throat and I pulled away.

I looked to where the noise came from and saw Alpha Drake and Luna Lily standing in the kitchen doorway with smiles on their faces.

I felt really embarrassed and I hid my face in Ryder's neck.

Both boys chuckled then looked at their parents.

"Good morning mother, father." Zach said

"Good morning Zach, Ryder. Good morning Skylar." Drake said, a teasing tone in his voice.

"Good morning." I squeaked causing everyone to chuckle.

"Want to go do something later Sky?" Zach asked

"Yeah. Can Lauran and Jason come with?"

"Sure, why not." Ryder said.


"I mind linked Jason; they will be down in a second."

We walked out of the kitchen and over to the front door where Jason and Lauran were.

"Okay, let's go." I said.

We walked out and over to the cars.

The twins and I got in one while Jason and Lauran got in another. Once everyone was settled, we drove away.

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