Chapter Fourteen

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Sky's outfit above

Skylar's POV

I woke up the next morning to a shockingly, still in one piece, shelf in front of the door. I got up and quickly moved it out of the way. Once it was back in place I started to get ready. I grabbed a white tank top with some lace, jean shorts, and brown combat boots. When I was done, I walked to the bathroom and did dutch braided pigtails, I then put on a little eyeliner and mascara. 

I walked down that stairs and into the living room to see Ryder asleep on the couch and Zach on the floor. I went over and kicked Zach, not to hard, to wake him up. 

"Zach,  wake  up." He just groaned. I sighed. I walked over to Ryder and tried to nudge him awake, but still nothing. Suddenly a great idea popped into my head. I walked into the kitchen, where I saw Lily making pancakes, and grabbed a large bowl.

"Morning Sky, what are you doing?" She asked.

"Waking up the boys." I said and I went to the sink and filled the bowl with cold water, then walked to the freezer and grabbed some ice.

"With a bowl of water and ice? Why don't you wake them up normally?"

"One, I don't do normal, and two, they deserve this for making me mad."

"What did they do?"

"First they sent guards to watch me, Lauran, and Janice while we went shopping, and second, because of them I have to make sure two little, and excuse my language, skanks don't take my place."

"Is that why they are in the living room?"


"Okay, carry on then, they seem like they deserve it."

"Really?" I was bewildered.

"Really. They father was the same, not some much the "skank" part but the over protectiveness yes."

"What did you do?"

"Locked him outside for the night." That caused me to laugh.

"Well, I'm going to have to do that someday." I grabbed the bowl and headed back to the living room.

"Good luck." She hollered.

"Thank you." I walked into the living room where the boys were still fast asleep and carefully walked towards them. 

"Time to wake up boys." I said to myself. I dumped the bowl on Ryder first and then quickly on Zach. When the freezing water hit their face they bolted up so fast it kind of made me jump.

"What the-"Zach said. Their faces were so funny I couldn't help but laugh. "Sky, did you do this?"

"Who else could it have been?" I asked, rolling on the floor laughing.


"You wouldn't wake up."

"Why you little-" Both boys got up and ran towards me. Fudge. I got up as quick as I could and bolted to the front doors. Clearly they were faster than me so they got to me right away, Ryder being the one to grab me.

"Let me go you caveman." I laughed.


"Help me." I screamed, still laughing. Luckily there were people outside and Lauran and 
Janice were some of the few.

"What do you think you're doing to my best friend?" Lauran asked, smiling.

"What are we doing to her, look at what she did to us?" Zach said, motioning to himself.

"I don't see a problem." Janice chimed in.

"She dumped freezing cold water on us." That cause Lauran to crack up laughing.

"You probably deserved it," Janice said, laughing also. "I mean, you did send guards to follow us and you were going to marry those two girls."

"Whatever." Ryder grumbled.

"Are you going to put me down yet?" I asked.

"Are you going to forgive us?" Ryder shot back.

"Maybe," he started to speak but I shut him up. "If-"


"If, you buy me ice cream and will for sure let me go to the club for the party."

"Ugh," He thought for a few minutes. "Fine."

"Great. Now put me down and go get cleaned up, you're ruining my clothes. Lauran get up, we're going to get ice cream, Janice you are coming too."

"Hey, you said just you." Ryder protested.

"Do you want my forgiveness?"

"Yes." He mumbled.

"Then you will get ice cream for the three of us, along with Jason and Max if they want it." 

"Fine." He and Zach walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "We will be right back." They turned around and walked back into the pack house.

"You have them wrapped around your finger." Janice said, standing next to me.

"What can I say, I'm a charmer." 

"More like a manipulator." Lauran chuckled standing on my other side.

"They need to learn that I won't give in easily. If I'm meant to be a strong Luna then I shall not let people stand in my way, I will not let them worry about me when there is a pack who needs more protection than I."

"You are going to be a great Luna Sky." Janice said. I smiled. The twins walked out with Max and Jason behind them.

"You ready?" Zach asked.

"Yup, let's go."


Does anyone else realize that Skylar is a teenager and talks live a 30 year old. LOL.

I hope everyone is enjoying the book so far and I hope everyone is having an awesome New Years Eve and I wish all of you an amazing New Year!!!

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