Chapter Fifteen

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Skylar's swimsuit above.

Skylar's POV

We arrived at the ice cream shop and got out of the car. We all walked in and found a seat towards the back of the shop.

"What does everyone want?" I asked. "And don't be too stingy, Zach and Ryder are paying." I smirked.

"Well in that case, I will have a large strawberry ice cream gummy bears." Lauran said.

"I'll have a medium chocolate ice cream with sprinkles." Janice said.

"I'll ha-" The boys cut me off.

"How 'bout you all get what you want and when everyone is ready we'll pay, cause there is noway that we will remember all this." Zach said. We all got up and headed towards the ice cream and picked out what we all wanted. When we were finally going to pay the total was a little over $30. When everything was paid for we decided to go to the water park.

"Let's go to the pack house and change and head out, that will give us enough time to eat out ice cream." Janice suggested. We all got into the car and headed back to the pack house. 

Twenty minutes later we were back and everyone got out and headed towards their room.

 I walked up to the twins and I's room with both boys following behind. I walked to my dresser and found my favorite swimsuit. It was a white two piece and the top was a halter with netting over the top part of the chest. Walking into the bathroom I changed and wiped my makeup off my face. I walked back out into the room and saw the boys already changed. 

Ryder was in black swim trunks and Zach was in red ones. Both hadn't put a shirt on and I found myself starring at their abs.

"See something you like babe?" Zach said with a smirk. (Such a cliche line, I cringe. LOL)

"No." Their jaws dropped.

"Why?" Said Ryder

"Don't know."

"You are going to get it missy."  Ryder lunged trying to get me but I ran out the door before he could. I ran into the living and saw everyone ready and probably waiting for us.

"Max! Jason! Help me."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"The-" I saw cut off.

"Where is she?  Aha." Ryder saw me before I got a chance to run, he grabbed me. "Is she ticklish?"

"Yes, very." Lauran said, laughing.

"You traitor." I yelled at her.

"Zach, tickle her."

"No, no sto- hahahah." He started to tickle be causing me to bust out laughing. "S-stop, haha, ple-please, I'm I'm I'm sorry. Hahaha."

"Say that we're hot."



"Okay, okay, fine, you're hot."

"Now was that so hard?" Ryder asked, putting me down.


We grabbed some last minute things and some snack and headed back to the cars. Everyone got in to there own cars with their mates and we headed out for a long journey to the water park.


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can't Believe that it is 2017. I hope everyone had a Happy New Year!  

Sorry the chapter was a little shorter, I didn't know where I wanted this chapter to go.

Who else wish they could be like Skylar? (Raises hand)

Let me know if you want different point of views and whose point of view you would like. :)

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