Chapter Twenty

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Zach's POV

I was walking back with Sky's and I's clothes when I got a very bad feeling in my stomach. Something was defiantly wrong. I dropped the clothes and sprinted to where I left Sky. When I got to where I left her she was gone. Oh no. I got super tense.

"Sky! Sky!"I yelled. Nothing. I couldn't mind link her, seeing as we hadn't completed the mating process, so that was out of the question. I ran back to the car and headed right to the pack house, going WAY above the speed limit, may I add. 

I arrived and quickly got out of the car and ran inside the house, frantically looking for Ryder. I ran to our office, all the weird stares not going unnoticed, and ran in.

"Ryder!" I shouted running in.

"Whoa, Zach, calm down, what's wrong? Where is Sky?" He asked.

"He has her Ryder. He has our Sky." He paled, then his eyes suddenly went black.

"How could you let him take her Zach?" He growled. He always did have a bad temper.

"Ryder, it's not my fault, how was I supposed to know he was watching us."

"You're right, I'm sorry. I just can't stand that he has her." 

"We have to get her Ryder, as soon as possible. Who knows what he would do to her if we don't get to her in time." 

"You're right."

'Pack meeting, NOW!' Ryder said through the mind link.

We walked out of the office and to the basement where me held out meetings. When we got down there, the whole pack was there and questions were flying our way. 'What's going on?' 'Is everything okay?' And so on and so forth.

"Everyone, quiet. There is a major problem involving your Luna." Ryder announced. 

"Skylar? What's happened?" Lauran asked, tense.

"Please leave questions till after we have explained what has happened. Skylar was kidnapped, we know who did it but we need you to help find her. We need all warriors to help, this guy is very dangerous and will harm Sky if we aren't careful. We have an idea of what he wants from her but are not a hundred percent certain. Any question?" I said.

"What is it do you think he wants?" A pack member said.

"Well we weren't going to announce it till it happened but I guess it's important to know now. Sky is very powerful. She is a descendant of the Moon Goddess and anytime after her eighteenth birthday, which was a few weeks ago, she will get extraordinary powers; now what those powers are, we don't know, but they could be dangerous and need to be handled with care." Ryder explained.

"Who do you think it is that has her?" Janice asked.

"He is another alpha from a very dangerous pack, his mate passed before he ever met her so he has been  on the hunt for a new mate, how he found out about Sky, we don't know, but we do need to make sure he doesn't mate her, otherwise, the whole werewolf population will cease to exist."

Skylar's POV

I woke up in an unknown bedroom. I tried to get up but my arms and legs wouldn't move. I looked up and my hands and saw that they were tied to the bed post, same with my feet. Great. I tried to get out but it didn't work. A few minutes went by and the bedroom door opened. 

"Hello Luna. I brought you some food." Some random girl said.

"Luna, I am not you're Luna."

"Oh of course you are. I'll let Alpha know you are awake, he will be very pleased." She left the plate of food on the side table and walked out the door. Almost instantly the door open again.

"Ah, my beautiful Sky, did you sleep well?" A guy said. I could tell from the power radiating off him that he had to be the Alpha.

"Who are you?" 

"Well I'm your mate silly."

"No you aren't, Ryder and Zach are."

"Oh no they aren't. They just pretended to be, I am your true mate."

"No, I'm not." This got him angry.

"You are my mate  and you will except me." He growled. He turned and walked out the door, slamming it in the process. 

"Ryder, Zach,please save me." I whispered.  

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