Chapter Seven

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Lauran's outfit above

Skylar's POV

A couple minutes later we arrive at a park. We find a spot to park and get out. I walk over to the swings and sit. A few seconds later Ryder walks over.

He walks behind me and starts pushing me in the swing.

"So." He says.

"So." I respond.

"Your birthday is coming up,"

"Yeah, and."

"What do you want."

"I don't care. Whatever."

A few minutes later Zach, Jason and Lauren walk up.

Zach pushes me from the front as Ryder pushes my from behind.

Lauran takes the swing next to mine and Jason starts pushing her.

"So Sky." Lauran says.

"So Lo."

"What are you thinking about doing for the party."

"I don't know; maybe a club. We will have us there, obviously, the guys and we can have Shaun come."

"I love it. What club were you thinking?"

"Blood Star."

"No." The twins said.

"What? Why not?" I asked.

"Because there are a lot of people who go there, both humans and wolfs and you're not mated yet and I don't need some drunk bastard trying to get with you." Ryder explained.

"Ry, nothing is going to happen, you will be there and so will Zach, no one will try to "get with me".

"Ugh, you can go, maybe, just as long as you behave."

"What am I, five."

"No, but you are unpredictable and I can't keep my eyes on you all the time."


"Skylar." Ryder growled.


"Behave." He said slowly.

"Make me." And that was when I jumped out of the swing,  passed Zach, and bolted. I could here foot steps behind me and knew Ryder was behind me.

I ran through some trees and out back to where Lauran, Jason, and Zach were, all laughing, and hid behind Zach. I could see from where I was that Ryder was looking frantically for me and I knew that in a matter of seconds he would get me.

"You gotta hide me." I whispered to Zach. I looked for Ryder and noticed that he wasn't where he last was and I got nervous. I slowly looked around Jason and still saw no trace of them. I stepped back and was instantly grabbed from behind.

"Gotcha." Ryder whisper in my ear.

"Ahh," I screamed, startled. Zach walked in front of me laughing, along side Lauran and Jason. "Zach, save me."

"He can't save you now princess." Ryder said.

I decided to make him feel bad and started to fake cry.

"Baby, what's wrong, why are you crying, are you hurt?" Ryder said, putting me down, looking for any source of injury. Ignoring him, I walk over to Zach and make him hold me.

"What wrong honey." He asked concerned.

"Just go with it." I whispered in his ear. I placed my head in the crook on his neck and sniffled.

"Baby," Ryder said, very nervous.

"Leave her alone Ryder, she doesn't want to talk to you."  Zach said, holding me tighter.

"Zach, she is just as much mine and she is yours and if she's upset I need to know why, so give me her before I hit you." He growled.


"Zach." Ryder said, getting more angry. I decided that it was enough so I cut the act and let go of Zach.

"Ryder, knock it off." I said sternly.

"Wait, you aren't hurt."

"No you ass."

"Why would you do that." He growled, he's been growling a lot today.

"Cause you deserve it, now, let's go get some ice cream; I saw a shop just down the street."

I walked past a mad Ryder, and over to Lauran and Jason who were having their own conversation.

"Come on Lauran, we are going to get ice cream." I said, grabbing her hand and skipping down the street to the ice cream shop.

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