Chapter Nineteen

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Skylar's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and a sudden urge to go to the bathroom. I tried to get up but realized that I was stuck between to buffoons that I call mates.

"Guys, get up." I groaned, trying to get, I was not in the mood for this. They just groaned and snuggled closer to me. "I swear if one of you don't get up I will never kiss up again." That caused them to both jolt up.

"We're up, we're up." Zach said, still a little sleepy.

"Thank you." I quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. When I finished my business I looked in the mirror and what I saw frightened me. My hair was in knots and makeup was smeared everywhere. "God I look pretty." I said sarcastically to myself.  

I wiped the makeup of and tried to brush my hair but that didn't work, so I got into the shower and I swear I took my like an hour to get my hair dangled. 

 Once it was nice and smooth again, I wrapped myself in a towel and walked back into the room, just to see that Ryder and Zach were once again asleep. I just shook my head and walked and picked out an outfit, which was some capris, white vans, and a simple v-neck white t-shirt. When I was done I walked downstairs and saw the twins parents in the kitchen.

"Hello Lily, Hello Drake, haven't seem you in a while." I said, walking to the fridge and getting a glass of milk.

"Well I've had some business to take care of in a neighboring pack. How have my boys been treating you?" He asked as he read the paper.

"Their good, sure have been making them work though." I laughed.

"Ha, Lily did the same thing back in the day, still does. Speaking of my sons, where are they?" He asked, looking at me.

"They are still sleeping."

"Lazy bums." He muttered.

"What was that dad?" Ryder asked as he walked in, Zach following.

"Oh, nothing son."

"Are you sure?" Ryder smirked.



"Good morning beautiful." Zach said, walking up behind me, hugging me.

"Morning. Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out, just us two?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." He smiled.

"Okay, go get dressed and we can go somewhere." I patted his stomach.

"Alright, I'll be right back."

"Babe, I wanna go." Ryder whined as soon as Zach walked away.

"Ryder, no."


"Because, I seem to have a stronger connection with you and that's not fair, I need to bond with Zach."

"Ugh, okay."

"Ready." Zach said, walking back into the kitchen.

"Yup, let's go." I kissed Ryder on the cheek, then grabbed Zach's hand and we walked out the door and to his car.

"So, where do you want to go?"

"I don't care, I just want to spend time with you." I blushed.

"Alright well then I know a place." We hopped into the car and started on our journey.

About twenty minutes later we were walking in a forest and I still didn't know where we were going.

"Zach, where are you taking me?" I laughed.

"We're are almost there, hold on." He smiled. A few minutes later and we were standing in front of a waterfall.

"Oh my, Zach, it's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." He said looking at me. That caused me to blush. "Come on." We walk closer and before I knew it, Zach was pulling me into the water.

"Zach!" I screamed while laughing. "I don't have extra clothes."

"I put some in the trunk."

"You sneaky boy." I threw my phone on the ground and jumped in.

We swam in the water for hours, just getting to know each other and it was the best time. I learned that the reason he doesn't talk much was because when Ryder and him were little he was always the smaller one and got bullied even if he was an alpha son, so Ryder had to stand up for him and he never seemed to grow out of it.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said hugging him.

"It's okay, and since you came into my life, I try to speak up more."

"Well I'm happy I can help."

"I think it's about time we go, so I'm gonna go get the clothes and be right back."

As I waited, I heard rustling and kind got nervous but really didn't do anything. I waited and the rustling got louder and then, everything went black. 

Unknown POV

I finally had her, my Sky. I had been following her for so long, and thanks to some helpful inside sources, I have her. We will make the most powerful wolf pups. Oh Sky, we will surely have an amazing future together.

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