Chapter Nine

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Skylar's POV

It was around five 'o' clock and I started to notice that more pack members were coming into the house for dinner. I looked over at Lauran and Jason and saw that they were asleep; Ryder and Zach had also seemed to have dozed off. I carefully got up, not wanting to wake them and walked into the Kitchen. When I got to the kitchen, I saw Lily and a few other girls cooking.

"Hello Luna Lily," I said walking in. "Do you need any help?"

"Call me Lily, Sky and do know that you will be the next Luna say it's really not necessary and help would be great."

"Oh, right, uh, what can I help you with?"

"Well if you could go help Janice set the tables, that would be great."

"Okay." I walked into the dinning room and saw, who I am assuming is Janice, start to set the table. She looked up and smiled when she heard me come in.

"Hello Luna, what can I help you with?" Janice asked

"Skylar please and actually I came to help you, to set the tables I mean."

"Oh, alright well, plates and cup are right there, and silverware there and napkins are right here." She said, pointing to where everything is.

I looked at how Janice was setting up everything, I have only set tables a few time back home so I wasn't very sure on what went where. I studied it for a few seconds and starting setting the other side of the table. While we were setting everything I got to get to know a little about her, like she is 21 and her mate, Max,  is one of the strongest pack warriors and that just a few days ago she found out she was pregnant.

"Wow, congratulations, does Max know?" I asked.

"No, I'm waiting for him to figure it out on his own, it might be a couple of days, the new scent hasn't really kicked in yet."

"Oh. What are you hoping for?"

"Haven't really thought about it much, I just want my baby to be healthy, I  guess if I had to pick," she paused, thinking about it. " I guess I would want a boy."

"A baby boy would suit you."

"Why do  you say that?" She questioned, at this point we were all done and were walking back to the kitchen.

"I don't know, it just seems like a baby boy would complete you."

"Hmm." We arrived back to the kitchen to see if anything else needed out help.

"All done?" Lily asked.

"Yup." Janice replied.

"Well the food is about ready, so I guess you can go wash up and get ready for dinner." We walked out of the kitchen and I went to see if the boys were up.

"I'm gonna go see if Ryder and Zach are awake, I'll meet you back here?" I asked.

"Yup." She replied with a smile.

"Maybe I'll get to meet this mate of yours, see if he's good for you." I said, giggling by the end.

"Sounds good." She said chuckling.

I walked into the living room and saw Lauran and Jason awake but not the twins.

"Where did you go?" asked Lauran.

"I went to go help with dinner," I replied, walking towards the boys to wake the up. "I met this really nice girl, her name is Janice, I'll introduce you when we go eat."

"Alright." I shook the boys, trying to wake them up, but they wouldn't budge.  

"Jason," I said.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Can you mind link that pack that if they hear a scream not to freak out, I would do it myself but I'm not fully part of the pack yet."

"Sure." He was quiet for a minute. "You're all good."

"Ok." I waited a second then screamed as loud as I could, causing the boys to jump up and look around for danger.

"What, what's wrong." Ryder asked, looking for any injuries on me.

"Nothing's wrong." I said.

"Then why did you scream?" Zach asked, confused.

"You wouldn't wake up," I said, nonchalantly. "Come on, time to eat."

I grabbed their hands and pulled them into the dinning room which already had people in it. I took a seat and had Zach on my left and Ryder on my right. I started conversing with some pack members around us while I waited for the foo to arrive.


I hope the book is enjoyable so far, I'm going to try to update at least once a day if not every other day. If there are any suggestions on how to make this book better please let me know in the comments.

Thanks :)

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