Chapter Three

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Picture of Lauran above

Skylar's POV

Lauran and I were dancing when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I knew who it was from the tingles I felt when he touched me. I looked over to Lauran to see Jason with his arms around her. We looked at each other and smirked.

"Hey boys. Did you have time to think about our little punishment?" I asked.

"Yup, so come with us." Zach said from behind me.

I looked to Lauran again and smirked.

"Yeah, let's go." I say

We walk into the pack house and to the living room where only a few pack members were.

"Can you guys leave us for a minute." I said.

They went outside and Lauran and I sat on the couch while the boys stood in front of us.

"So...What are you going to do with us?" I asked, with a smirk.

"Well, we noticed that you ladies like to tease us; so we thought we should return the favor." Ryder said, with a smirk.

"Okay and how exactly do you plan on doing that?" Lauran asked

"I guess you'll have to wait and see." Jason replied

They winked at us before they turned away and went back to the party.

"Are you kind of nervous about what they are going to do?" Lauran asked with a scared expression

"I don't know. A little." I said shrugging. "Let's just hope we can handle it."

"Yeah. Let's go get ready for bed." Lauran said.

We walked upstairs to my room. We came up to my room to see my door on the floor.

"Looks like I'm going to sleep in your room tonight." I said to Lauran.


'Dad, can you get someone to fix my door?' I mind linked my dad.



'You do know that we are going to talk about your mates, right?'

'Yes dad'

I cut the mind link and went into my room. I grabbed some pajama shorts and a tank top and went into my bathroom.

"I'll come to your room when I'm done." I told Lauran.

"Okay." She said walking out of my room.

I took off my clothes and hopped in the shower. I wash my hair, body, and face and got out. I put my clothes on and dried my hair. I put it in a loose, high pony tail and went over to Lauran's room.

"Hey." I said walking into her room.

"Hey." She said, looking up from her laptop

"What are you doin'." I asked walking over to her on her king size bed.

"Looking up random music videos."


She put her laptop away and got under the covers, me doing the same.

"Were you excited when you found Jason?" I asked

"Yeah. Very excited. He's so hot." She said with a grin

"He is. But not as hot as Ryder and Zach."

"No, he is way hotter than them."

"You wish."

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