Chapter Thirteen

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Skylar's POV

I pulled up to the pack house, turned off the car and got out, not even bothering to get my bags out of the trunk. 

"RYDER! ZACH!" I yelled when  I got into the house.

"What, what's wrong?" They asked as they came running down the stairs, Jason and Max following behind.

"I need to talk to you, NOW!" I walked back up the stairs and to our room.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Zach asked, concerned. 

"Mind telling me who Ashley and Vicki are and what has happened between you." The mention of those girls names caused them to tense. 

"Th-they they were before you baby." Ryder stuttered. 

"No shit Sherlock, why are they trying to take my spot?"

"Well," Zach rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybebecauseweweregoingtomarrythem." He said really fast.

"Slow please." I said annoyed.

"We were supposed to marry them." 

"WHAT!!!" I yelled.

"Calm down. Look I know it's only been a few years since we were supposed to start finding our mate but we were loosing hope. We went to, almost, every pack to look, but nothing."

"I can't believe you guys. When did you tell them?"

"The day we found you." Ryder said.

I shook my head and walked out, not being able to stand the sight of them. I decided I was going to go for a run to blow off some steam. I walked out the back doors and shifted, not caring about my clothes. I ran as fast as I could and after about ten minutes I realized I wasn't on the territory anymore. Crap. 

I sniffed around trying to find the packs scent but nothing yet. As I was trying to go back the direction I came from, I heard a twig snap. I tensed and slowly turned around and saw three mangy wolfs. Rouges. I quickly got and a fighting stances and growls. I knew they felt the power radiating off of from the quiet whimpers they made. 

They in a fighting stance but before they could attack a dark brown wolf and a light brown wolf jump in front of me, the twins. They bared their teeth and growled and deadly growl. The rouges backed down and turned to leave but not before getting one last look at me, their stare causing shivers to run down my spine. They turned and bolted in the opposite direction, blending in with the forest. The twins turned to me and nudged me forward, going in the direction back to the pack house. 

When we got back, Lauran and Jason were waiting with clothes. I took mine and went behind a tree and shifted. I walked back out and over to the others. 

"Why would you do that?" Ryder growled at me.

"What, I needed to blow off steam. Why were you following me?"

"We needed to make sure that you were safe." Zach said. 

"I was fine."

"From the looks of it, you weren't." Ryder said.

"I can handle myself just fine. Three puny rouges against an alphas daughter, a very well trained alpha daughter, I could have easily taken them down." I said, turning my back and walking back into the house. I went to the kitchen and decided to have some left overs.

"I get that you are very strong, stronger since we marked you, but that still doesn't mean you weren't in danger." Zach said, following behind me. I put some left overs in the microwave to heat up. 

"As I said before, I can handle myself just fine, I don't need two hard headed alphas to take care of me." I pulled my food out of the microwave and walked into the empty living room, Zach and Ryder following closely behind. 

"But we need to take care of you. As you mates, we feel the need to protect you."

"Well maybe you should dial it down. How am I supposed to be a strong and powerful Luna if you don't let me do things on my own?"

"I can understand that but do know that we are very possessive men and alphas, we always protect what is ours." 

"I know, and thank you for that, but you need to give me a little slack, can you do that." I got up off the couch and caressed their faces.

"I guess we can." Ryder sighed.

"Good." I grabbed my empty dish and went and put it in the sink, I then started to head up stairs.

"Where are you going?" Ryder asked.

"Well, I'm going to take a soothing bath and get ready for bed."

"Can we join?" They both smirked.

"No, you both can join each other on the couch though." I smiled, innocently.

"What, why?" Zach asked, flabbergasted.

"I still mad at both of you, for the guards, Ashley and Vicki. You aren't getting off the hook so easily for those things."

"You will not kick us out of our own rooms." Ryder shouted.

"Watch me." With that I walked the rest of the way up the stairs and to our room. I locked the doors and moved a shelf in front of it so they couldn't get in, though if I walk up and it's still in one piece I'll be shocked. I grabbed my clothes and set the on the bed, then headed for the bathroom for a much needed, stress reliving, bath. 


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