Chapter Twelve

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New cover by @that_book_teen

Picture above is the dress Skylar gets

Skylar's POV

When we arrived at the mall, I parked the car and we all got out. I noticed that when we left another car was following and realized that it was our guards, that we didn't need! We walked into the mall with our guards following behind. Our first store that we went to was Victoria's Secret, the guards just waited by the doors.

"I  need to find some cute stuff for Jason." Lauran said, a playful smirk on her face.

"You're nasty." I laughed.

"Hey, you should too, you got two men to please."

"Well right now they aren't getting anything. I might kick them to the couch for sending those guards." I said, pointing to the guards.

"They only have good intentions." Janice said as she was looking through the bras.

"Whatever." We finished up out shopping there, each of us with at least one bag and were on our way to the next store.

"We need to find clothes for our party." Lauran said as we walked into Rue 21.

"Party, what party?" Janice asked.

"Our birthday party. We celebrate ourselves on our real one and a week after Lauran's we have a big party for both of us."

"Oh, where are you having the one for the both of you?"

" The Blood Star Club."

"Oh wow, and the alpha's are letting you?" She asked shocked.

"Yup, it's not like they have a choice, I would go either way." Janice nodded and went in the opposite to look for clothes. 

I was looking through the dresses and found an amazing black, about mid thigh length dress. I grabbed one in my size and went to the dressing rooms. When I walked out I called Lauran  and Janice over.

"That dress looked amazing on you, you have to get it." Janice said. I went back into the dressing room, got back into my normal clothes and went to pay for the dress. When we were done in that store we went to the food court to eat. While we were eating, someone cleared their throat behind me. I turned around and saw Mason and Cameron with their arms around the girls who I had just yelled at yesterday.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Just wanted to tell you that you have been replaced." Mason said, a smirk on his face.

"Oh I'm hurt." I said sarcastically. 

"I can see why he chose me over you, you so ugly." The girl who was wrapped around Mason said.

"Oh, I never got you name, I was to busy putting you in your place," I growled, causing her to squirm. "What is it?"

"Uh, " She cleared her though, then put the "I'm better then you" attitude back on. "I'm Ashley, and that's Vicki." She pointed to the girl next to Cameron.

"Hmm, well it was nice to meet you, I guess, I'm sure I'll be seeing more of you because of the, well ,you know, but um yeah, we gotta go, I gotta get back to Zach and Ryder, you know them right." 

"Oh yeah, we know A LOT about those two." She smirked, I knew there was a double meaning in there and knew they were with the boys before, but if they think that they can take my place, they are wrong.

"I'm sure you do. Bye boys, have fun with the new trash." I walked away, fuming, with Janice and Lauran behind me.

"You okay?" Janice asked.

"Yeah, but we might need to leave early, I need to have a talk with those two mates of mine."

We walked out the doors and to the car. I popped the trunk and we put our bags inside. I got in the drivers seat, Lauran in the passenger, Janice in the back, pulled out and headed back to the pack house.

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