Chapter Twenty Two

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Skylar's POV

A few hours later, the same girl that has been coming in, came back to the room. 

"Well, time to get you ready for the alpha." She said, walking over and untying me. She grabbed my arms and pulled me up, and as soon as I stood, I fell to the ground. I have been tied up for so long, my legs have become super weak. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks." I said. After my strength in my legs came back, I was pulled into  the bathroom, that I never noticed before. 

"Get in the shower and clean yourself up, oh, and shave, everywhere." The girl said, emphasizing 'everywhere'.

I got in the shower as soon as she left and did as told. It felt so good to take a shower after so long. About 20 minutes later I was done and got out. Almost immediately after I got out, the girl came in. 

"What  are you doing?" I asked.

"We need to hurry and get you ready. If you aren't ready by the time Alpha Leo gets here, we will both be in trouble." She pulled me into the room and sat me on the bed. "Now, what to put you in." She walked into a closet and a few minutes later came back with a pile of dresses. 

"Why do you have so many dresses?"

"We need options, now take these and go try them on." She said, handing my the pile  of  dresses. Walking into the bathroom, for the second time, I set the pile on the sink counter, and grabbed the very first one. It was a dark blue dress, very short and very revealing. "You  have got to be kidding me, I'm good with a little skin but this is just desperate." I said to myself. Very reluctantly, I put the dress on and walked back into the room.

"Well." I said walking out.

"Turn." I turned around. "No, next." I walked back in the bathroom and tried on the next dress.

20 dresses later and she was still undecided.

"Trying the red on again." She told me.

"Which red one?"

"The first red one you tried on." I walked into  the bathroom, found the red dress the girl was talking about and put it on. It was mid thigh length, strapless, with a sweetheart neckline that had jewels to outline it. 

"This one?" I asked walking back out.

"Yes, that one will have to do." She walked me over to a vanity and say me down. She plugged in a curling iron and started doing my hair. When she was done with that, she started on my makeup. The whole time there was no talking. I didn't know what this alpha had in store for me and what I assume will happen, I really don't want to happen. I just want to go back home and be with Zach and Ryder.

"Okay, I'm done. Alpha should be here in a few minutes. I suggest not moving from this spot, otherwise you could end up in big trouble." She clean the vanity, put the dresses back into the closet and walked out. 

A couple minutes after she left, Leo came into the room.

"Awe, my beautiful mate, wait till you see what I have in store for us tonight." He held his hand out, and I reluctantly grabbed it. He pulled me out of the room and off to the mysterious destination we went.

Ryder's POV (After they were told that they found Sky)

"What? Where is she?" I asked. When I was told that my precious Skylar was found  my heart started to race.

"Lauran!" The tracker shouted. A few minutes later Lauran came in.

"Ryder, Zach, Sky mind linked me and told me where she thinks she is." Lauran explained.

"Well then, where is she?" Zach asked.

"She said she believes she is in a bunker under Alpha Leo's pack how. She's scared, we have to hurry and get her." She said, a tear running down her face.

"Thank you, you can go." I dismissed her.

"We have to get her tonight." Zach said.

"Agreed. I'll mind link the warriors to tell them we are getting Sky back...tonight." I said. 

Don't worry Sky, we are on our way.


No school for me tomorrow so I'll see if I can finish up tomorrow. This book is almost over and I'm sad, but I'm excited for what's to come after. 

Please vote and comment, I'd love some feedback. 

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