Chapter Twenty Three

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OMG i  am so so so so so sorry it had taken me 90 billion years to  update. I have every intention on finishing this book i have just gotten extremely busy and had writers block but i PROMISE i  will try harder to update and finish this book. 

Skylar's POV

He drug me out of the room and blindfolded me as soon as we stepped into the hallway. 

"What is the blindfold for?" I asked.

"Well I don't want to ruin the surprise. No keep it on until told otherwise." He said.

"Hmm." It seemed like we were walking forever until finally I was pushed into a car. Twenty some odd minutes into the drive and the car jerked.

"What was that?" I asked startled.

"Dammit, they found us." Leo muttered to himself.

"What? Who found us?" I asked ripping the blindfold off my face.

"What did I say?! Put it back on!"

"Wh--" my sentence was cut off my something hitting the side of the car.

"Dammit! Get out and hide behind me, those pests are here trying to take what is mine." he growled.

"What? What pests? Are you talking about Ryder and Zach?"

"NEVER SPEAK THEIR NAMES! YOU ARE MINE!" His eyes turned black with anger.

"NO I'M NOT!" i screamed and jumped out of the car. Bad idea. That only caused him to become angrier. He ran after me in full rage, no even realizing that the twins were following close by.

I ran deeper and deeper into the woods but he was gaining up on me with how weak I have become. The twins howled and growled, making their presence known and that just seemed to anger Leo even more, if that was even possible. He eventually caught up to me and grabbed mt by the throat. 

"Stop right there boys, or she dies." He growled to the twins, causing them to stop in their tracks.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Zach growled. As they continue to shout Leo only squeezes my throat harder, I feel dizzy, until i drift into unconsciousness. 


I'm on a cloud, cliche, isn't it. I look forward and see a glowing light and all of a sudden the most beautiful person I have ever seen appears before my eyes. 

"Hello Skylar." The woman says, here voice soft and sweet.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Where am I?"

She smiles.

"I am the moon goddess my dear, and I have brought you here to tell you important news."

"Go on."I tell her, showing her that I am listening.

"You are an extremely powerful wolf, you have my magic within you, you were blessed as a baby  and are meant to be the ruler of the whole werewolf race. You must protect them, and with this you will find many enemies but find great friends as well."


"Hush child, there is more. You are going to carry my child. It won't be until you and your mates finish the mating process of course but she will neither of the boys'. She will be my child but bonded to you and when the time comes she will take my place. You will have twins, a boy and a girl, my girl, the boy will stay and the girl will not."

"Wait,  you are telling me that my daughter will have to leave me at a very young age?" I ask, a tear running down my face.

"Yes. You cannot tell the boys until she is gone and you have to tell her mate when she finds him. I will wait to bring her here until after her first child, they will be normal like everyone else, just so you may have a piece of her with you, but as soon as her  baby comes you will need to say good bye. You may tell her the news when you see that the time is right." 

"Oh my god." I start to cry. 

"You need to go back now, you can't tell anyone this information, understand?"

"Yes, I understand." 

"I'm sorry this has to happen to you." And with that I drift into darkness and awake to the sound of beeping machines. 


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