Chapter Sixteen

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Skylar's POV

An hour later we were arriving at the water park. This place was packed! We drove around trying to find a spot and luckily we found one that wasn't to far away. All seven of us were spread out so we were all going to meet up at the front.

"Ready babe." Said Zach.

"Yeah, let's go." We grabbed our stuff out of the trunk and walked towards the front

When we got there we waited for the rest of our group. Once we were all together we waited in a VERY long line.

"This is going to take forever." I whined.

"It's not that big of a line." Jason said.

"Are you kidding me, there's like ninety people in front of us."

"You're exaggerating, there's like thirty."

"That is still thirty too many."

"You're a drama queen." He sighed.

"Watch it Jason. I may be smaller that you but I can still kick your ass." When I said that all he did was chuckle and mumble a 'sure' under his breath.

Fifteen minutes later we were finally able to go in. Once we were in we went and found a spot near the lazy river. I took my shorts, shirt, and sandals off along with the other girls and they guys just took their shirts off.

"Zach, can you help me with my sunscreen?" I asked as I was putting some on my arms, legs, stomach, and a little on my face.

"Yeah, give it here babe." I handed him the bottle of sunscreen and he started to put some on my back.

"Thanks boo." I said once he was done, then gave him a kiss.

"You're welcome."

"Sky, what about me." Ryder pouted.

"What about you." I smiled, know exactly what he's complaining about.

"Don't I get a kiss."


"Please." he whined

"Fine, come here lover boy." He walked towards me and grabbed my by the waist and kissed me. "Happy now?"

"Yup." He smiled. 

"Good. Who wants to go on the lazy river with me?"

"I will." Lauran said, while she finishes with here tanning lotion.

"Me too." Said Janice.

"You sure you will be alright." Max asked, concerned.

"I'll be fine." She assured him, caressing his face.

"Okay." We walked away from they boys, grabbed an inner tube that were provided and walked into the lazy river.

" What was that about Jan?" Lauran asked.

"He figured out that I was pregnant." She smiled.

"Really, when?" I asked.

"A few days ago."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I don't want everyone to know just yet."

"Well everyone is gonna start figuring out now."

"Yeah, I know, but for now I want to keep it a secret. Kind of like a surprise."

"When do you find out the gender?" Lauran asked.

"Not for another month or so."

"Well you are, and no offence or anything, but I am starting to see a little baby bump."

"I'm not offended and I know, it's become so real." Janice beamed.

"I'm really happy for you. How many kids do you think you'll have, after this one I mean?" I asked.

"I want three kids. Two boys and a girl."

"You will make an amazing mom."

We floated around for a while then decided to get back. When we were back to out spot the boys were still there.

"Did you even leave this spot?" Lauran asked.

"No." They all said.

"Are you planning to."

"Yes. We just didn't want anyone taking our stuff." Max said. 


"I wanna go to the slides." I suddenly said.

"We'll go with you." Ryder chimed in.

We walked to the slides, which weren't to far away, and started the journey up the many, many stairs. 

It was finally out turn to go and I went down first. I went down an all covered slide so it was really dark and I didn't know what was happening. When I got to the bottom I was blinded by the sun. Good job picking the dark one Sky. I know had a slight headed ache while me eyes were trying to adjust.

"You okay Sky." Ryder asked when he resurfaced from an other slide. 

"Yeah, just the sun."

"Okay." We waited for Zach and once he was out we headed back to our spot. I was getting really hungry.

The rest of the day went on and around four we decided to leave. All I wanted to do now was take a shower, get into some warm pajamas and go to bed. We packed up all our things and headed for the  cars. We all parted to where our cars were and would meet back at the pack house. 

As we were walking I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around and saw no one suspicious around, but I was still uneasy.

"Hey, Sky, what's wrong?" Zach asked concerned. 

"Nothing, just tired." We got to the car, Ryder popped the trunk and we all put out things away. The boys got in the front and I hopped in the back.

"Sleep princess, we'll wake you up when we get pack home." Ryder said, looking at me. I simply nodded and laid down in the back seat and drifted into unconsciousness. 

Ryder's POV

"Did you see him?" I asked Zach once I knew that she was sound asleep, she looked so cute.

"Yeah but I don't think he saw me. I'm sure he saw Sky though."

"How can you tell?"

"She seemed off when we were walking to the car, kind of scared and uneasy."

"We need to protect her. If he get's his hands on Sky, who knows what he'll do to her. She is very powerful."

"I know Ry, I was there when her father told us. We just need to keep her safe. We'll put more guards on watch. She'll understand why when she realizes what she can do, nothing will happen to her." Zach assured me.

"I hope you're right brother. If anything were to happen-"

"I know, I can't bear the thought of loosing her either. We just need to stay calm and focus on Sky."


The rest of the ride was silent and the only thing I could think of is if that f**ker ever touches my Sky, he's gonna wish he hadn't.

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