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The fullbusters mansion chapter 8

'so if I marry the company is saved?' gray asked. And his parents nodded. 'who is it i'm marrying anyway?' gray asked and both his parents looked at each other worried.

'Juvia Locksar'

'WHAT!, I CAN'T MARRY THAT STALKER!' just how the fullbusters pictured it.

'Gray I know its a bit of a shock but-'

'but what?. You discussed this without me knowing. How can I trust my parents when they just assume I can marry who I dont want. Who does that?' gray raged

'son we have no choice'

'we...whos we...are you marrying her aswell'

'well no but shes going to be a fulbuster soon'

'without my permission'

'gray honey...i know its scary but its for the best. You don't have to love her or be romantic but please all we are asking you to do is marry her. Otherwise we will loose the company' grays mother explained.

'id rather live on the streets'

'thats enough gray. You are marrying this girl weather you like it or not'

'its not like I had a choice anyway' gray stormed off and an echo from the second floor shattered around the entire house.

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