Natsu and Lucy (stress)
natsus pov
i'm in my office at home stressing about what couldhappen if we all end up jobless.
'mr dragneel, mrs dragneel wants to know when yourcoming down for dinner'
'i'm not having dinner' I said.
'RACHEL!...i'm sorry, I am not having dinner'
'don't be sorry sir its fine. I'll tell mrs dragneelnow'
'thank you' as soon as she left I looked back at thepaper and didn't understand anything.
'FOR GOD SAKES!' I screamed and destroyed the entireoffice.
'd-dad?' I looked and saw luka standing by the door withfear. I just felt like a hopeless person I sat in the floor and begunto cry.
Lukas pov
when I saw my dad rage at his work it scared me becauseI never saw him this angry before. When he cried it made me want tocry so I walked closer to him and sat on his lap.
'i'm so so sorry' dad sobbed. And I carriedon hugging him.
'it will be okay daddy...hopefully you'll be happytomorrow'
Lucys pov
'NATSU WHAT HAPPENED?!' I saw the office looking likeworld war 3.
'lucy, i'll tell you later okay. I can't talk whilstluka is here'
'oh this is bad'
'bad?' luka asked.
'Big, this is big' I corrected myself so that lukawouldn't worry.
'very big' he stressed. And I know why.

Forced To Marry
FanfictionNatsu, levy, lucy, gajeel, juvia, jellal, erza and gray's families are rich with there own family businesses. Unfortunately all the family businesses are running out of money and the only way to fix their problems if they marry their children to eac...