Natsu, levy, lucy, gajeel, juvia, jellal, erza and gray's families are rich with there own family businesses. Unfortunately all the family businesses are running out of money and the only way to fix their problems if they marry their children to eac...
i'm peacefully sleeping until I feel a heavy kick in mystomach. I wake up knowing that my waters broke. And I tried to wakenastu.
'NATSU!' I panicked and he woke up right away. 'n'yeahwhats up?'
'its time...i'm having the baby'
'but its not due till next month' he forgot that idiot.
'you idiot I told you that i'm having it early.ple—AHHH' I screamed and natsu got up right away.
'alright okay come on. Lets get you to the hospita-'
'AAAHHHHHH! Natsu it hurts when you pick me up'
'i'm afriad its to late sir. Shes having the baby nowand that baby wont wait' the butler said. Now i'm panicking.
'natsu. Hold my hand plea---AAHHH!'
' hand'
'your crying over your hand!....TRY AND GIVE BIRTH YOUWIMP!' he is annoying me right now. I'm in so much pain.
'jeez sorry'
'but you wanted me to sta----'
'allright i'll go' he ran out the room. Wait no I needhim with me.
natsus pov
holy crap i'm so confused right now I don't know what todo. The butler already called the nurse and shes on her way. Ibasically ran down here for no reason.
I heard lucy scream my name so I ran back up thestaircase.
'i'm here i'm here' I said stroking her hair.
'natsu it hurts'
'its okay...just breathe' I said. And she breathed butscreamed again.
'im so sorry i'm late how is she?' the nurse camerunning in the bedroom.
'shes doing great'
'okay lucy when I say push push okay....push' lucypushed as hard as she could but gave up.
'I can' hurts' she cried.
'hey when you push squeeze my hand as hard as you canokay. I won't care how much it hurts' I said and lucy grabbed my handand pushed hard I felt my hand swelling up but I didn't care I justwanted lucy to stop hurting.
'your doing great lucy...i can see the head...natsu doyou want to see'
'nahh i'm fine'
'GO AND LOOK AT OUR KID NATSU!' lucy yelled I went tosee and I just blacnked out.......
Lucys pov
'oh nothing dear all men do it now keep pushing'
'I can't I need natsus hand' I cried. This hurts somuch.
'NATSU GET THE HELL UP!' I screamed and he woke up withshock.
'sorry. I'm sorry' he ran back over to me and let mehold his hand again.
'one more push lucy...and then your baby will enter theworld' I did the last push and then thats when I heard it. My babyscry. It made me cry.
' have a boy'
'a boy...natsu we have a boy'
'a boy' he said with tears in his eyes.
'welcome to the world Luka Dragneel' I said and criedwith the baby in my arms.
'hes so small' natsu said.
'I know' I cried again.
'just let me clean him up and you can hold him for howlong you want'
natsus pov
the nurse came back with the baby wrapped around in thetowel. And she handed Luka over to Lucy.
'oh hes beautiful he looks just like you'
'hes got your hair though' I said.
'yeah you do don't have mummys hair' lucyspoke like a child. Making me laugh.
'do you want to hold him?' she asked and I was scared. Inever held a baby before.
'uh..umm. Luce I never'
'its easy...cradle your arms and i'll place the baby inthem' I did as I was told and lucy put Luka in my arms. I can'tbelive I'm a dad. Its so weird but so cool.
Me and lucy walked to the nursery with luka still in myarms.
'heres your bedroom luka' lucy said walking clsoe behindme.
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I gently placed luka down in his crib and me and lucyjust watched him sleep.
'arn't you in pain' I asked and she nodded'
'yeah but I couldn't miss this' she smiled. I kissed herand she kissed me back.
'I can't belive we are finally a family now' I said andlucy giggled.
' I know. I love you'
'I love you too' I picked lucy up bridal style andgently placed her on the bed. The nurse must off left because shewasn't in the bedroom.
I layed down next to lucy and cuddled her by wrapping myarm around her waist.