Jellal and erza (visiting)
me and harvey are in the prison on visiting hours.Harvey looks scared but happy to see his father again. We sit on thechairs waiting by the table. I look around and see women crying orother family members angry or feeling the same way I am and harvey,happy and scared.
the alarm made harvey jump and I giggled when he wentover to me with a racing hearbeat.
The men walked out one by one and jellal was the fifthone out.
'DADDY!' harvey ran over to his dad and he picked him uphugging him with tears in his eyes.
'hi erza' jellal said and hugged me. Harvey sat backdown on his chair with a big smile on his face.
'you look so different' I said giggling.
'do I?'
'yeah...your hair is longer. And your slowly
' growing a beard' I pointed out and he and harveygiggled.
'when are you coming home daddy?' harvey asked.
'well because I confessed-'
'to something you didn't do-'
'me and natsu have to stay 2 years at least'
'2 YEARS!'
'yep. They told us yesterday' jellal said looking down.
'harvey and luka can't be away from you guys that long'
'I know but they don't care about that'
jellals pov
I knew erza would act this way.
'no you have to tell the truth that you didn't do it'
'and get a longer sentence on lying to the law. Andbesides if things were different where would we go?'
'I don't care. The reason why you two are in here isbecause you were threatened by laxus otherwise-'
'otherwise you will be homeless and our parents loosingeverything' erza went silent after I reasoned with her but harveylooked down sulking.
'hey whats with those?'
'I don't want you to be gone that long' seeing my soncry is heartbreaking.
'hey. I promise I will see you soon. There is no way meand natsu are staying in here for two years, we'll end up killingeach other' harvey then started to laugh.
'do you promise?'
'I promise, but the only thing I can't promise for is adate okay'
'so when does the court start'
'umm...the 6th of january' I replied.
'but thats 5 months away' erza sulked.
'I know but thats the date they want it' I said.
'okay...but we are also going to make sure that you twodon't stay here any longer' she said making me smile.
'well now I have to go to my cold bedroom with bars forwalls' I joked and erza giggled.
'I don't get It' harvey said making us laugh.
'you don't have too because hopefully you'll never go toa place like this' I said and then harvey laughed.
I hugged him one last time and he began to cry.
'I want you to be strong for mummy okay. She may acttough and strong but really shes upset from the inside' I whisperedand he nodded.
'see you soon daddy'
'see you soon'
I put him down and hugged erza and kissed her goodbye.
'I love you'
'come on fernandez'
'I love you too' I lest the hug and walked back to thecell. I will get out guys. Me and natsu.

Forced To Marry
FanfictionNatsu, levy, lucy, gajeel, juvia, jellal, erza and gray's families are rich with there own family businesses. Unfortunately all the family businesses are running out of money and the only way to fix their problems if they marry their children to eac...