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January the 6th- natsu and jellal

Script. No ones pov

'please be seated' the judge spoke and we all did as wewere told. And the room was silent. Natsu then walked in and sat inthe box.

'we are here to see if natsu dragneel, nest in line totake over his families half of the buisness they own guilty or notguilty for murdering Makarov and Ivon Dreyar' the judge said. Andnatsu walked to the bible stand.

'I will tell the truth only the truth and nothing butthe truth' natsu sounded shakey but his confidence was slowlygrowing.

'natsu. on the 14th of may you and jellalwent out one night at 8:00pm, the day Makarov and Ivon were murderedis that true.


'and you are here to say you never murdered them'


'so why are you here'

'i'm here because me and jellal were protecting ourfamily busisness and families because we were all getting threatingnotes from the dreyars.

'do you have any proof?'


'then how do we know your not lying?'

'because I swore to the bible'

'natsu this is very serious. If we don't have proof youwill be charged guilty for lying.

'I have proof' the judge and everyone else looked atlucy s: hope you had a nice married life because now its going toend' everyone sat silent until laxus stood up.

'sorry your honor but how does anyone know those arefake?'

'good question mr Dreyar...how do we?' the judge thenstared at natsu coldly.

'well I don't know how to write and I don't see my sevenyear old son writing stuff like that' natsu said with a cocky tone.

'then your wife is no miss goody two shoes'

'your honor I can proove that the letters arn't writtenby the dragneels because I also have notes with the same handwriting'gray spoke (gray is his lawyer) 'you have a letter written by laxusdon't you, handwritten, well why don't you read that and see thesimularites between the writing' gray said. The judge got his letterout and scimmed through.

'why I guess your right mr fullbuster. The writing doindeed match. But thats only one clue. And nothing to do with themurder.......natsu. What exactly did you and jellal do on the nightof the murder'

'honestly...we went to the work because we found outthat it was been broken into and that the vault was cracked open'

'I see. Bring jellal up i've heard enough'

jellal got up and stood by the bible stand.

'I will tell the truth only the truth and nothing butthe truth' jellal spoke calm

'jellal fernandez were you with natsu dragneel on thenight of the murder of ivon and makarov at 8:00pm' a woman sitting atthe desk asked.


'and is what natsu dragneel said the truth'


'but you were the one who confessed you actually did it,why?'

'because I didn't want my family to get hurt. I didn'twant my friends to get hurt so I turned myself in and natsu did thesame'

'but if you knew you didn't do it why did you do itanyway'

'thats to same question...but, if I didn't do it, Iwould probrably wake up know my family are dead'

'how did you find out the buisness was broken into'

'natsu called'

'how did natsu know'

'because he is the only one who gets told about an alertand the others get informed by him, thats part of his and his fathersjob'

'fair enough'

'sorry your honour did you say the murder was at 8:00pmsharp' gray asked.

'why yes I did'

'but natsu called jellal and 10 minutes to eight. Theythen arrived at the buisness at 8:00pm sharp. How does this makesense unless the murder never happened'

'do you have proof that they were at the buisness at8:00pm sharp?'

'in a matter of fact I do. You see, yesterday me and mrredfox went to the camera room and found out that they arrived at thebuisness at eight pm.

'well let me see the footage' gray handed the judge thechip with the camera footage and everyone watched.

'as you see the murder should be happening right now.And doesn't the dreyars live 2 hours away. Now that would beimpossile for natsu and jellal to be murdering when the trains areclosed. No busses running unless they have super speedy powers. And Iknow what your thinking, what about their drivers...now they actuallywalked to the buisness as it is 5 minutes away. As you can see inthis footage' gray clickled the button on the remote showing the menwalking to the business department.

'well mr fullbuster, you have the right footage. We justneed to know if mr dreyar is telling the truth-'

'he's not' gray said.

'and how do you know'

'because look carefully, those hooded men seem awfullyquiet and shakey don't they'

'remove your hoods'

when the men removed their hoods the audience gasped. Inthe audience was ivon and makarov dreyar.

'there you see with your very own eyes. Ivon and makarovdreyar in the fleash' gray spoke.

'well this all concludes the answer for these two gentsand that is NOT GUILTY!' everyone cheered after the judge smashed thehammer on the desk. 'and as for the dreyars...for the lies andthreats...3 years in prison due to it being a very serious situation'the judge said. Everyone watched them all get arrested and natsu andjellal gave gray a manly hug.

'thanks so much man' natsu said.

'thank you gray we owe ya' jellal said and gray laughed.

'nah don't worry. I owing juvia at the mo-'

'what?' they both asked.

'i'm owing juvia, for what I said about her' the guyssmirked.

'by doing what?'

'umm...getting her preg-'



gray sighed with relief when the girls interupted thecovosation.

'I missed you so much' lucy said kissing her husband.

'missed ya too luce' natsu smiled hugging his wife.

'i'm so happy your coming back' erza cried and huggedjellal.

'me too. I couldn't last another day in that cell'jellal said and they both hugged feeling happy about them all goinghome together.

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