Natsu, levy, lucy, gajeel, juvia, jellal, erza and gray's families are rich with there own family businesses. Unfortunately all the family businesses are running out of money and the only way to fix their problems if they marry their children to eac...
me and levy are both getting dressed because our parentsare coming for dinner. I fix my, well I try to fix my tie but giveup.
'I'M TOO FAT!' I heard shrimp cry hormones playing upagain.
' okay' I walked into her wardrobe andpulled a puppy dog face at me and then she burst into tears.
'no. i'm not okay i'm too fat to fit into anything'
'your not fat. Your pregnant 7 months as I recall. Justput something on' like this dress' I litually picked up a randomdress.
'that is the uglyest thing ever'
'then why do you have it?' girls these days.
'I want to wear this one' levy gave me her slim reddress.
'well shrimp you know that don't fit you right now. Whydon't you wear your black one?' I asked.
'because I don't like black'
'well I should just die my hair blonde then' I joked andlevy laughed.
'no I like your hair black I mean I don't like wearingblack' she is such a complicated woman.
'well...this dress is red' I pulled out the dress fromthe hanger and gave it to her. I helped her up and she toppled a bit.' okay?'
'yeah i'm fine. Don't worry' she walked into the masterbathroom and got changed.
'shrimp i'm going to wait downstairs for our parentsbecause they'll be here any minute' I shouted throught he door.
'okay' she shouted back. I chuckled and walked down thegiant staircase waiting by the door.
Levys pov
I put the dress on and I heard my parents and gajeelsparents and gajeel socilising downstairs. I guess I should make myway down.
I open my door and stop at the top of the staircase.
'GAJEEL!' I yelled down the stairs.
'YEAH!' his voice echoed back.
'can you help me down the stairs please!' I said and Isaw him running up.
Ever since I was pregnant my fear has been stairs Ialways had that feeling like I was going to fall. So I have gajeelhelp me down.
We walk into the dining room and see our parents sittingat the table.
I ran to my parents and hugged them. And I huggedgajeels parents. The four wouldn't stop talking about the baby.
Dinner was so fun. We talked about all sorts. Ourfamilies are really sociable. I wonder if thats why they made me andgajeel marry. Huh who knows.
'oh before we leave can we see the baby's bedroom' Iknew that question would come out of one of our parents and my motherwas the one to say it.
'yes of and levy have just finished it. Ifyou would follow me' gajeel led the way and his dad and my dad helpedme up the stairs.
When he opened the bedroom door our parents begun totear up.
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'oh its absolutly lovely' gajeel mother said. And mymother agreed.
'a bit girly isnt it'
'it is a girl dad' gajeel said making us all laugh.
'oh right hehehe...congradulations you two. We best beoff. Have the rest of your night to yourselves. We shall see you atwork. Goodnight' my father said. And we all said good night. Ourbutler showed them all out and me and gajeel stayed in the nursery.
'what name have you thought of?' I asked.
'I thought you were naming it'
'no I name the boys you name the girls' I said andgajeel chuckled.
'I dunno...grace...'
'grace...thats pretty. I like it. Sho she is going to becalled grace' I said. Gajeel chuckled and pulled me in and kissed me.