Chapter 6 - Nightmares

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"Where the heck have you been?!" Abby screams at my face.

I am taken aback and clamp up unintentionally.

"Abby, language," My father speaks in a soft voice. Abby mumbles an apology and doesn't speak again as she turns to look away.

"Where have you been?" Father asks me in a quiet serious tone.

I feel my body stiffen but then I remember what Ryan told me so I decide to go along with it.

"Uhm, I was taking a walk and bumped into Ryan. He asked me if I- uhm, wanted to ride in his new car,"

There's an uncomfortable silence in the air. I shift my body to a new standing position and rub one of my arm. I notice Abby is looking at me with an emotionless stare. It feels like she doesn't believe me but she isn't going to probe me in front of my parents.

"I- I see. Well, next time you go out and would be late... Please tell me, okay?" Mother spoke in after a few minutes of silence between all of us.

She seems to be calming down and I feel better seeing her smiling.

"Yeah, well I guess I'll be talking to Lessard's son," Father said in a stern voice.

"Don't be too hard him. At least our son is with him rather than somewhere else," My mother said while looking at my father.

"That's true," Father said.

Abby still has her arms crossed and is staring at me like I have committed a murder. I know right away that she doesn't believe a word I just said. She starts to move towards me and stops right beside me.

Her face turns towards me but I keep my head straight.

"I'm glad you're okay," is all she says and that surprises me. I thought she would force me to tell her the truth but I am so glad that didn't happen.

She walks away but not before saying goodbye to my parents and telling them that, she's going home.

My parents say thank you to her but don't stop her from going home. When she's out of sight, their attention falls on me and I fidget because I feel awkward.

Just when father opens his mouth to speak, my stomach growls so loud that I start to blush. The two of them laugh and mother takes me to the dining room. She tells the servants to serve all of them some food.

It doesn't take long before the food is served. My parents eyes go wide as they see the amount of servings laid out in front of us. They try to tell the servants to take some back but I tell them I can finish the food.

Mother gasps and looks at me in disbelief. I don't know what to do so I start to eat. My parents try to make small talk with me but seeing that my focus is given to the food in front of me, they decide to keep quiet.

It doesn't take long for me to finish eating. My parents are very surprised because I never ate a lot before. Correction, he never eats a lot but I do.

Dinner ends after talking to my parents for a little bit. They ask me if I would like to eat in that amount from now on and so on. Obviously, I say yes. They tell me to take my medicine but I just give them a smile and nod. I'm not going to take any meds because I have bad experiences with them.

I know that they are prescribed medicines given by a professional but that doesn't mean I will be willing to put such a thing in me. Plus, this body already has a history with harder stuff so I don't think normal meds would work anyway.

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