Chapter 8 - Cloudy Day

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Happy New Year Everyone and it's 2017 now ~ I only have one resolution this year. It's to be happy for another year and the years to come. Hope you guys have another good year :D

[ A/N: As I write this chapter, I had this song "I see Fire - Ed Sheeran" on repeat. Listen to the song after the symbol '--' if you want to feel more I guess. I almost tear up writing this but I didnt. I'm a big girl. I will not cry...]

"Cloudy Day"

"You said no! Hahahaha! That is so hilarious. Oh, the look on his face," Abby is rolling on my bed while laughing her àss off.

We're already in the comfort of my home and Abby is retelling the story far too many times to my liking. At least she's happy.

"Yeah, yeah. I know," I said with a little bit of annoyance in my voice.

Abby looks at me and her eyes seem to sparkle. She seems way too happy but I guess she never really liked Ryan from the beginning. Ryan obviously never got a rejection before because the look on his face really was funny.

He was petrified on the spot so Abby and me just left him there.

I chuckle and then I notice that Abby is holding her laugh. It seems to me that she's remembering the moment again. Both of our eyes meet and then we burst into a fit of laughter. I can't deny that it is funny.

I can see his real intention from the beginning. Yes, he has good looks and a nice smile but that doesn't stop me from reading him like an open book.

I know he only did the stunt today because of our last encounter. He saw the change in me. No, in the boy he thought he knew. So I guess he wants to see if he could wrap me around his fingers again.

I will not give him such power over me. I'm done being used and tossed around like a toy. It's about time I own one instead.

Knock Knock

The laughter dies out as we both hear the knocking on the door. I go straight to open the door without delay but for some reason, I feel nervous.

The moment my door is open, the person standing outside is my mother with a sad look. She gives me a weak smile and I become worried instantly.

"What's wrong?" I ask immediately.

"Mrs. Roberts passed away last night," She says in such a small voice.

I envelope her in a tight hug when I notice that she is trembling a little bit. Her body turn stiff for a moment but soon relaxes and hug me back. I can feel my shoulder getting wet by her tears so I coo her with comforting words.

Abby moves closer to us and wrap her arms around both of us. The three of us stays like that for a moment before my mother clears her throat making Abby and me release our hold.

"We should get ready. The funeral is today," She tries to sound tough but I know she's really heartbroken by the news.

Both Abby and I nod our heads. My mother walks away and disappears from my sight. Abby give me a sullen smile and leaves after giving me a quick hug.

It doesn't take a genius to know that my mother and this Mrs. Roberts are friends. 'Were' friends, I guess.


Everything happens in a blur. One minute I'm dressed in all black and the next I'm listening to the speech of the beloved and now we are all at the cemetery to lower the body.

I find myself unable to walk to the plot where Mrs. Roberts will be buried. My parents made no move to pressure me into going there. I stare at the crowd circling the plot. Abby is there with her parents. She's also dressed in black. I look at the sad faces one by one.

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