TA 3

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The next day our first class was English and Casey sat in front. I was not your "good boy" so I sat at the back of the class.

As I told Mr. Stone, I didn't tell Casey about what he'd said. I didn't want to create unnecessary drama between them and make things awkward between Casey and I.

We had Mr. Winslow for English. I awaited his annoying voice to send me to my slumbers, but none came. Instead, there was tapping. Mr. Winslow was sitting on his chair, tapping on the desk, and rhythm was something he didn't have.

"No class today?" Eric Anderson asked, grabbing his schoolbag and getting ready to stand up.

Eric Anderson was the bad boy of the class. He made noise, gave awful answers to easy questions and disrupted the class every chance he got, kind of like I was. Maybe that was why we had an understanding.

"Sit down Anderson!" Mr. Winslow barked.

Eric slumped down into his seat. A few more minutes of tapping...

I only came to class to get both my mom and Casey off my back so I did not mind. I merely opened my magazines and paged through. Eric opened his mouth.

"Not a word from you Anderson. Anyway, let us get started, we have wasted enough time already" Mr. Winslow said, getting off his chair.

"...We?" Terry Roe asked. Another bad boy...

"Okay class, today we'll be talking about short stories...." Mr. Winslow said, ignoring Terry's question.

Suddenly, the door opened.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I am lost. Is this English?"

We all looked at the girl who had just walked in. She was beautiful, extremely beautiful with long brunette hair and grey eyes. Her body was just immaculately built, every breast and every curve carved with immaculate precision. Her eyes opened up a world of possibilities, while her lips invited you to heaven. Her skin was pure olive, probably never been touched by dirty hands. Her long thick eyelashes fluttered, and so did my heart.

"Yes Miss Cornwall, we have been expecting you", Mr. Winslow said. "...over 13 minutes ago", he added, looking at his watch.

"I'm sorry. I was lost", the girl said in her sweet voice.

"You should have come earlier. Coming late on your first day is not impressive. I had set out the first fifteen minutes of class for introductions. They will get to know you as time goes on. Anyway class, this is Amanda Cornwall, our new student".

Eric opened the applause. She had definitely stolen a few hearts.

When the applause died down, Mr. Winslow said," now Miss Cornwall, you can sit next to Mr. Stone, right over there".

"Whoa wait, introduction!" Eric shouted.

"Time has already evaded us Mr. Ander..." Mr. Winslow began but Eric interrupted with calls for an introduction. Few students joined him. Surprisingly, I stayed quiet.

"Okay, okay! Well Miss Cornwall, the class has spoken".

Amanda looked shyly at the class and back at Mr. Winslow. She brushed her hand and smiled.

"There is not really much to tell. My name is Amanda Cornwall. You can call me Mandy. I am 18 years old. I have just recently moved here from Silica Town. I play tennis. I love bowling and hiking. After graduating high school I want to study medicine. Yeah, that is it".

Mr. Winslow seemed impressed.

"A girl with dreams, unlike you Anderson...and of course, you Linley", he said.

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