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Chapter 20

Riley's POV

"Who is she?" I barked.

I hated being interrupted and I did not care who it was. I hated it more that Miguel had done so while I was with Casey. I could sense the hatred he had for him just by being near him. I could sense the darkness. It was calling me. It was stronger than before. Something was changing.

I knew I had to get rid of Casey. There was still some light in me. I knew I was being cruel telling him to go suddenly, but I needed him gone. He had to be shielded from Miguel and whoever he'd brought with him. Also, I wasn't ready to tell him I wasn't even human.

"She's in the kitchen, come and see her", Miguel said softly.

I rolled my eyes and limped to the kitchen. When Miguel noticed that I was limping, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "What happened to your leg?"

"I had a minor accident", I said nonchalantly.

"Oh, don't worry. You can heal yourself" he said directing me to the kitchen as if I were the guest.

"I can?" I could not hide my surprise.

"Of course my Lord, how do you think you survived the bike accident? No human could have survived that. You had a brain injury. You healed yourself without the doctors noticing", he said.

I leaned on the kitchen wall.

"How do I heal myself?" I asked.

"Your body does and it decides when", he said walking, leaving me leaning.

It took my body only a month to get rid of a brain injury, but it could not get rid of a simple sprained ankle quickly?

I entered the kitchen. A woman was sitting on one of the kitchen chairs at the table, drinking what I presumed was coffee. She reminded me of mom, although she was definitely years younger than her.

"Isadora, this is the young man who will wake us, Riley...Dark. My Lord, this is my wife, Isadora", the introductions were made.

The woman bowed her head. "Nice to meet you, my Lord", she said.

What was with the Lord thing?

"Yeah, um, nice to meet you too", I said indifferently.

"Riley, Isadora is your aunt. I am your uncle, your father's younger brother", Miguel said.

"Where is he? My father", I asked, rubbing my chin.

"He's in Lands of Azuria, waiting for you. Everyone is waiting for you", Miguel said.

"I cannot tell you how happy I am to finally meet you", Isadora said in a delighted voice.

"I am glad to meet one of my own too", I said. It felt sincere. I was losing control.

I don't know how it happened, but Miguel and Isadora already felt like family, despite never having met them in over 18 years. They just...fit in. I was itching to meet the rest then.

"If you don't mind me asking, who was that boy my Lord?" Miguel asked.

"No one important", I said.

He seemed reluctant to ask the next question. "Is there anything between you?"

I shook my head.

"Phew. I almost thought you were whatever these humans indulge in these days. Gay, is it? You simply cannot be. You are the Awakener, son of Isandro, the chosen descendant of the great Lucius Dark, the first Awakener", he said. "Like everyone before you, you are mated to the chosen one, the bearer of the future Awakener".

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