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Chapter 6

Riley's POV

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I watched as the bird landed on the branch. It walked timidly to its nest, which was just a few centimeters away. Three eggs lay in the nest. The bird, blue with yellow streaks, looked at the eggs with loving eyes. It had to be anticipating the time when the eggs would hatch, no doubt. It was going to be a proud mother. I felt my eyes get wet. What about me? Would I be proud of bearing a monster? A child who would rape, torture and kill? My hand went to my belly unconsciously. It was hard. I thought then of the one thing I thought of doing earlier, but had been unable to. I could not kill him. Despite the fact that I would kill myself too, I just could not kill an innocent soul, he was mine too!

"Lara!" I heard a rough voice calling my name. The voice was not that far, I could tell.

I turned just in time to see him appear. I would never get used to instant transmission. He was tall, much taller than me. I was a few feet tall so to me, he seemed endless. There was no concern on his face, only anger.

"Did I not tell you not to wander off on your own?" he said scornfully.

"I am not that far from the castle", I said shyly. How I hated been reprimanded like a child! I was 22 years old for goodness' sake.

"A mere human", his words ricocheted inside my brain, with no way out. He had said those words 8 months before, but they were always in my head, bouncing around.

"I do not care where you are going. You are to be with a guard all the time", he said firmly.

I nodded. Did he really think I would run away? Where would I go? I had no one. Besides, he would find me wherever I went. There was no safe place, not for me.

He grabbed my hand viciously and started dragging me. The castle was not really that far off so we arrived in no time. As soon as we arrived, I was sent to my room.

Lands of Azuria, the land of the Darkeners, a human's nightmare, I hated the place with all the hate that a human being could muster. Even that did not feel enough. I wanted the place to cease to exist, like it did not in my life before I met him, Victor Warrior, the king of the Darkeners. If all the hate in me erupted, the earth would cease to exist as it was known. The Darkeners were the wildest creatures I had ever met. Not so long ago I would have laughed out loud if I had been told about them. I was not a fantasy fan and thought all those fantasy movies I saw were a bunch of gibberish.

As I lay on my bed, I thought about my son. The time was near, he would be born. The destroyer would be born; he would awaken the darkeners from hibernation. He would rule, and he would have no messy, like his father. What had I...?

"Riley!" mom shouted.

Did she really have to shout? I folded the page where I was and closed the book. Halfway towards the door, I remembered that Mandy had made me promise to return the book the way it was when she gave it to me. I went back to the bed, took the book, unfolded the page, closed it and went downstairs. I knew mom's shouts were about dinner. You could smell the food all the way from the kitchen. My room was not far really. It was a very small house after all.

"Dinner is served", mom said sweetly.

I took my seat silently.

"I saw Cassidy's car earlier. Was he from here?" mom asked, digging into her food.

I nodded.

"He came to check up on you? Sweet boy", she said.

My fork stopped midway to my mouth.

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