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Chapter 11

Monday approached faster than I wanted it to. It was like someone had just forwarded the time. I woke up with a start. I was excited, but at the same time, I was scared. It almost felt like I was going to an interview. Questions kept racing up and down my mind, how would he receive me? Was he still the same, even if he did not remember? Would he even like me? All those questions gave me hell as I packed up my bag for school.

Before meeting Riley though, I decided to make one quick stop, my dad. He was packing up his briefcase in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee. He seemed to be in a hurry, but surely he would spare some time for his son who needed advice on an important matter?

"Hey dad, can I ask you something?"

"Sure sweetie", he said.

He did not even look at me!

"Err...say you have err...a friend that you are very close to. You are...sort of...attached to the person. One day they decide to...move on, you know, get a girlfriend...or a boyfriend! How do you...How do you let...How do you let them go?" I stuttered.

I took such a long time on that question I was disappointed with myself. Dad put down his cup of coffee and looked at me.

"Is this about Riley?" he asked.

"No!" I was quick to answer. "Why would you think that?"

"Um...He's the only friend you have?" he said. "Look sweetie, it's only fair of you to let him move on. "Whoever" this friend is, he's not yours. There is a part of his life that he's not going to share with you and a part of yours that you are not going to share with him. The same thing goes for his girlfriend. You are a part of his life that she will not get to share with him. Nothing has to change between you", he said.

"O-kay. For the record, that was a hypothetical question", I said kissing him on the cheek.

"I cannot help but wonder..." dad said.

"...Wonder what?" I asked.

"If this hypothetical person cannot let his/her friend move on, he/she has got to be feeling more than platonic love for that friend", he said.

"I doubt it, but okay. Thanks", I said making my way to the door, my face as expressionless as possible.

"...this would happen", dad mumbled to himself. I couldn't stop and ask. I had to get to school.

Once at school, time could not go any faster. I would swear the earth was moving faster than usual. Classes finished so quickly and lunch time seemed to me like it took only ten minutes. Time was definitely on fast-forward. Of course I was the only one who saw that. Logan said it could not go any slower and Mandy said if it did not speed up, she would find the family dog dead. She was taking it to the veterinarian after school. I did not tell her I was going to see Riley. I could not figure out why; it was not a crime.

When I made my way over to Riley's place, my heart was in my mouth, threatening to escape. It would have done me a favor. Those darn feelings were really irritating me, and yet they were so beautiful, so enchanting...

Dad had said I should let him go. It was the right thing to do. I didn't think I was capable of that.

I tightened my hands on the steering wheel. I had nearly gotten off the road. With the way my mind was fuzzy, it was a good thing the incident only occurred when I was near Riley's house. When I saw the familiar house, I smiled. I parked on the side of the road, well; I tried a couple of times before I got it right. I was normally good at parallel parking, hell; the driving license tester had told me I was a pro. I nearly smashed into the car behind me and almost made the car in front of me's backlights history before I parked my truck.

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