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Chapter 3

I opened my eyes to irritating rays of sunshine. The thin curtain seemed to be doing nothing to keep them out. The sun seemed to be directly facing my window. From a distance, I heard the melodious sounds of Metallica. Okay, it was not exactly melodious. If I did not stop it, I was going to have a headache. I scrambled my brains, trying to figure out where I had last seen my phone. I listened closely and located it just at the edge of the bed, on the floor. I picked it up and looked at the caller id. It was Casey.

I pressed the answer button and waited to hear Casey's voice.

"Riley, are you there?" he sounded really concerned.

"Yeah. Aren't you supposed to be in class?"I mumbled.

"No. It's lunch. I was just checking up on you", he said.

"I'm okay Casey", I said.

"I kind of miss you hey, Even Mr. Winslow misses you", Casey said.

I heard loud giggling in the background. Several voices seemed to be engaged in a conversation.

I chuckled. "I really cannot say I miss him too. As for you, I only woke up now so I haven't missed you yet. I'm sure I will. Who wouldn't miss your unnecessary advice?"

"Yeah, yeah, rest and be a good boy, okay?" he said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure you are okay?" he asked when I didn't say anything.

"I'm fine honey", I teased.

"Don't honey me! I gotta go. I have biology", he said. "Rest!"

"I..." I began but the line went dead. He had not even waited for my answer, probably knowing I was going to argue. I smiled to myself just as there was a knock on my bedroom door.


Casey's POV

I flipped my phone closed and stuffed it in my jean pocket. I walked through the hallway to biology class, dragging my feet as I did. School was boring without Riley. I didn't have many friends, in fact, Riley was my only friend. I did not consider Logan a friend. He was friendly, but not best friend material. He was always fooling around and took nothing seriously. I smiled when I realized that all that described Riley too. Riley had a different side though, a caring thoughtful side. We just had that...connection.

I entered biology class and sat at the back. It was only because of Riley that I sat at the back. Riley was not there though, so why was I sitting at the back? A few students were already in class. I opened up my bag and took out my biology schedule. That day we had a lab exercise we needed to complete; determination of blood groups. I shuddered at the thought of blood, I was scared of blood. I only did biology because I loved plants.

I looked around class, the lab exercises were done in pairs. I always did mine with Riley. Riley was not there and I needed a new partner. Luckily, we were allowed to change partners, but I didn't have any true friends and I doubted many would change their partners for me. I couldn't expect them to. I shrugged; I would have to do the exercise on my own. I took out my textbook and did some reading on blood.

"Hi Cass", someone said, passing me.

I looked up; it was Michael Rae, one of the nerds and biology freak. I would get full marks if I asked him to be my lab partner. I mentally frowned; I was not one to sponge off others. I was just going to have to man up and do the exercise, although I already felt like passing out.

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