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Chapter 7

Casey's POV

As soon as the car was parked, I tried to get out. I felt a hand squeeze mine affectionately.

"Cass, relax. You don't want to be the next one lying on a gurney", Calvin said.

I snatched my hand away. I couldn't stop. What if?

The second I heard of Riley's accident, I nearly collapsed. Apparently, I was the first person they had contacted since they had found his phone intact and the last person who had called him was me. If they had thought I would be pleased, it only made me miserable. What if he got into that accident because he was trying to answer his phone? Oh, God, I should have gotten the hint and not tried to call him again.

The entire ride to the hospital, I had been silent. Calvin occasionally threw in his comforting words, telling me how strong Riley was. I prayed to God silently that he had worn his helmet, which was highly unlikely. Few bikers survived collision with an oncoming car. Survivors were either brain damaged or wheelchair bound. Riley probably had no helmet on, he would not survive. I forced the thoughts out of my head but they came back after a few minutes.

I remembered Riley's words, "For the last time Case, I am not an amateur. I am not about to crash my bike", "I'll be the 1%".

It was not long ago that he had said that. What had happened?

I ran through the hospital corridors like a madman. I did not care. I noticed Calvin running behind me. I saw a doctor.

"Excuse me doctor, um, Riley Linley, are you, are you...." No more words could come out.

Tears rushed in torrents, I could not stop them.

"Riley Linley? Yes. Motorbike accident?" the doctor said, looking at me with pity.

"Yes, how is he?" I asked in between sobs.

"I cannot tell you much, but it's not looking good. Are you related?" he said.

"Yes, he is my brother", I said without taking a second to think.

I toweled my face with my hands and looked up. The doctor had disappeared. More tears flowed uncontrollably. It seemed like everything was crashing around me. I could not live without Riley, I just could not. What was I going to do? Everything was falling apart, he was leaving me.

Losing all my strength, I went down on my knees and mumbled a prayer. I did not care who was looking, I would do anything to save Riley then. I could not imagine life without him.

I felt hands tugging me. I opened my eyes and everything was hazy.

"Cass", Calvin murmured.

He lifted me gently and sat me on the waiting chairs. He took off his jacket and offered it to me. In my haste, I had not bothered to wear a jacket. I shook my head. He put it on me anyway. He sat next to me and leaned my head on his shoulder. He wrapped a protective hand around me. After a few minutes, he got up and said he was going to get me coffee.

What had happened to my brother? If it took Riley being in a hospital to see the softer side of Calvin, then Riley should have gotten sick often. I laughed at my very bad joke, and started sobbing all over again. What kind of a friend was I? How could I wish him something so bad?

Riley's mother walked in then, with Miss Wallace. She looked so old and so frail. She walked by as if she did not see me. I doubt she did. Calvin returned with two disposable cups of coffee. He sat next to me and gave me a cup. It was hot so I warmed my hands first, turning the cup around in my hands, occasionally blowing air over the coffee.

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