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Chapter 9

The next morning, I went to school as usual. My first class was English class and it had gone well. My second class was math. Nothing had gone into my brain in the class. I had spent the entire period thinking. It would not take a genius to figure out that I was thinking about Riley. I kept wondering how it had happened. How on earth had I fallen in love with Riley? He was nothing like I had pictured my boyfriend to be, yet to love him felt so right.

While I was walking to the guy's room, I nearly bumped into Abby Monroe. She was pacing up and down.

"Watch where you are going", she snarled.

I had nothing to say to that so I merely walked past her.

"Just the person I want to see", she said behind me.

I stopped and looked behind me, "me?"

"Yes, you. Tell your friend to stay away from my boyfriend", she said.

"Which friend?" I asked.

"Don't act like you don't know. The new girl", she said.

"Why don't you tell her yourself?" I asked.

Abby fazed a lot of students, not me. She was a spoilt brat and was used to ordering people around. If she thought I was going to act like one of the servants in her mansion home, she had another thought coming.

"Stop asking questions and tell her!" she barked.

"I'll do no such thing. If you have a problem, talk to Matt", I said.

She gave me a dirty look before she walked away.

It was really funny how she behaved. It was almost like Mandy had asked Matt out. Did Abby think so highly of herself she wanted to threaten Mandy because of Matt's misdeeds? That was so low. If Matt didn't love her anymore, she should have moved on and left Mandy the hell alone.

I found myself chuckling. When had I allowed myself to think like that? The entire situation was not mine to analyze, I was not part of it. There was however a situation I was part of that I really despised. Taking a decision not to think about it, I walked into the guy's room. When I walked out, company was what I needed and I got it. Mandy walked towards me.

"Hey. I haven't seen you all day", she said as she arrived.

"Hey. That's because you didn't come to class", I said.

"I had a little accident", she said as she showed me her bandaged arm.

"What happened?" I asked.

"A fan blade cut me, long story. Anyway, mom forced me to go to the hospital. Guess who I saw?"

There was no guessing really. I knew the answer.

"Dr Michaels?" I asked.

Mandy pouted, and then said, "...Riley, dummy, although...I did see Dr Michaels too. Riley is looking good. We talked. I didn't really know him that much before the coma, so I did not really see the difference that you would see. He kept saying I was his girlfriend and I was not telling him the truth".

I almost rolled my eyes. I stopped myself.

"That's good, at least he is getting better", I mumbled.

"Anyway, I am going to see him after school, are you coming with?" Mandy asked.

"No, I have some things to do", I said as we walked to our next class, physics.

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