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Chapter 4

Riley's POV

I was stunned a bit. The person knocked again.

"Come in", I said and cleared my throat.

Mom walked in with a basket of fresh clothes, my clothes. She looked cheerful. There was a twinkle in her eye. Even her grey hair seemed darker than normal. I could swear the wrinkles on her face had been reduced overnight. She was wearing a smile.

"Good day Riley", she said happily.

"Good day", I mumbled.

I regained myself and a rush of questions wanting to be answered engulfed me.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I started.

She frowned and answered casually. "Why would I do that? You hate it when I wake you up. You needed that sleep anyway".

She started folding clothes and putting them in my closet.

"Mom, you drugged me, right?" I said as I sat up.

It was not a question. I was accusing her. She did not scold me. She did not even seem angry, or the least taken aback.

"No, I merely made sure you took your medication".

She did not even look at me. I shrugged, what was done was done. Something entered my head. It was not painful, no, it was mesmerizing. It was a headache of some sort. I felt as though I ought to remember something, but what? The pain of not knowing frustrated me, why did I feel the need to remember something? I sighed heavily.

Mom turned suddenly. "What's wrong?" I sensed alarm in her voice.

"It's nothing", I said quickly.

"Maybe I should take you back to the doctor", she said.

"No!" I nearly shouted. "No, I'm fine", I said calmer.

She looked at me, as though unsure if I was telling the truth.

"It's just that my powers have been acting up, nothing serious", I said reassuring her.

That sentence did not seem to reassure her at all. The shirt that she was about to hang fell off her hands.

"Well, there is nothing a doctor can do about that, is there?"

"Mom, can I go to school to get my bike?" I asked.

"No Riley you will not...absolutely not! Your friend will get it for you", she said.

My mouth hung open, "Casey? Casey doesn't know how to ride a bike".

"...No, not Casey, that other friend of yours. Logan, is it?"

I frowned, "Yes, Logan. That is rather a waste of time. I have the keys with me. He would have to come..."

Mom interrupted. "He doesn't mind".

Her mood seemed to have changed. I could not see her face, but her voice suggested she was not happy. It was not new. She didn't want me to use my powers or talk about them. It still bugged me why she was not scared when I showed her what I could do. We had gone on living normally, like my powers were normal. I was certain any parent would take me to the authorities the second I levitated objects by just looking at them. I had even thought of doing so myself. There was nothing worse than discovering that you were different, that you did not fit in. I was a teenager and was always surrounded by teenagers having trouble fitting in. In their cases, money, looks, hobbies and talents were the issue. My case was worse, I was not even human and well...at least that was what I thought. No human being could do what I could.

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