Author's Note

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(A/n: You may skip if you want to but I don't recommend it.)

Edit: Also something I would really like to point out is that as you know that this is a BTS fanfic, but I don't always add BTS members that fast to my stories because I don't like it escalating it really fast. It also depends on the story I'm doing and this happens to have side characters that I want them to have spot light.

If that made any sense, I hope you understand. Thank you!

I thought I might help you with some of the words, since It can get a bit confusing.

To start off, a nephalem(hence the story name😉omg I'm so lame😅) is an offspring of a Demon (fallen angel) and  an angel.

Nephilim is an offspring of a human and an angel so they are half human and half angels.

Cambions (Did you guess it?) are the offspring of a Demon and a human. They are half demon and half human but it's rare for them to survive birth.

High heavens is where all the angels and good is said to be found there, in the clouds...Heaven. There is light and nature.

Burning hells, place where demons and evil live. Underground, with fire and darkness.

Sanctuary aka Mortal realm, is where you can find humans, nephilims, cambions and nephalems. Since they don't really have a particular place to be or to belong. They are protected in this realm because it's difficult for the commanders of the other realms to hunt them down here.

Now introducing the commanders of the respective places:

The Commanders of Burning hells, The Great Evils, they (This is my theme for just the story so it can fit well, I don't think it's in the philosophy so let's just say I making up there purpose, if that even makes sense.) are in charge of demolishing the offsprings of those who have broken the rules of mating with a different breed. (half human and half demon...etc.) They are also in charge of keeping their Kingdom in order. The ones who join the commanders are powerful they have to go through series of games(kind of like hunger games or competitions to see who is stronger) and training those who make it to the top 3 pass.

High heavens commanders are (drum roll please...) The Angiris Council, they are also in charge of taking out the hybrids of those who have broken the rules. They also keep things in order in their realm. Like the Burning hells, they have their own competitions and games,  as well as training to see who is the strongest angel. The only difference between the Burning hells and High heavens is that the top 5 pass.

The war ongoing is called the Eternal conflict aka Great conflict. This war is between the forces of High heavens and Burning hells. It's a war that these two realms have been fighting for the win over all creation and the mortal realm. This war has raged and burned longer than stars.

I hope this helped! I'll try to make it simple in the story. I hope it intrigued you or got you excited for it. Thank you all once again!

Update: 11/4/17

Thanks to my Best Friend Emmy for making that wonderful wonderful and beautiful cover for me.😭😭💖

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