Chapter 8: He's Suffering...

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🚨Long Chapter🚨

Have you ever seen brown eyes in the sun?
You don't always notice it at first but you'll see that 'brown' no longer describes them.
They melt into golden rays, circling and eclipse. There's nothing boring about brown eyes, not even when the later hours encroach; they just turn into a sunset of their own.

I've noticed that when things go wrong, I always end up having nightmares.

And this night was no exception.

I sat up on my bed and turned my lamp on from the side table. I sighed taking in the scenery of my new room. It was much smaller from the last one, but it had its own bathroom, desk and a balcony which I thought was perfect for me to get some air and relax.

For some strange reason, I had the urge to go look for Kangjoon to comfort me from these dreams but I remembered I was mad at him. I was mad at him for stopping me during that incident from killing the man who ruined my life, he stopped me from creating a sin.I can't stay mad at him forever, maybe he was right in doing so. I was being selfish and that could've been the last time we saw each other, I should be thankful but my selfishness consumes me.

But I learned one thing...
If I want to fight I have to become stronger. In order to do that I have to stay away from people I love and everyone surrounding me.

I got of bed and walked out to the balcony. As soon as I slided the door open the outside breeze brushed my skin. The first thing that came in to sight was a huge ceramic fountain that was off and all you could hear was the still water, crickets and the wind. Forming the ever so perfect melody that soothed my ears.

I looked up to the glowing sky. I fixed my sight on to stars, clutching onto my necklace.
"How are you, mother? Father?"

"Are you okay?"
I closed my eyes, "I miss you so much, I need you both... so badly..."
I woke up with the sun shining in my face.  My eyes slowly fluttered opened and as soon as I did that I regretted it, the light burned my eyes. I rolled off to the side which caused me too fall of my bed.
I stood up and walked to the restroom and when I saw myself in the mirror I was a mess. My hair was all over the place and I looked like a freaking caveman. Did I get electrified?

Their was a little bit of white coming out of my mouth, Great! I drooled, what the heck? I need to get the actresses secrets from dramas, to wake up like a princess, seriously because I wake up like a caveman. Sad reality...
I sat at one of the empty tables from the Academy's gigantic library.

We were all called to come to the library, and by we I mean all of my classmates from the other Academy.

The library's tables were polished, and huge chandeliers hanged from the ceiling. Everything looked so elegant that I was afraid to touch it that it will somehow break. Even the bookshelves wood was elegant. The windows were big and emitted just the right amount of sunlight into the library. I know were I will be spending my time.

My gaze averted from scanning the library to the familiar figure entering the library, Kangjoon, he entered with his group of friends and at a moment we made I contact which immediately I responded by looking away as fast as I could.

Ms. Yang walked in with Mina and all of us became quiet.

"Good morning everyone." She greeted us all with a smile.

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