Chapter 5: I am What?

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Life is full of secrets and lies so when you get screwed over, don't act surprised.

-Tayong T.Y.N

Two days have passed, I am determined to move on from Kangjoon. But I don't think I will be able to...

All of these thoughts came to me as I was cleaning out the basement since Mina asked me. I didn't even know we had a basement; when she opened the door, a gust of dust blew towards us. She told me that she hasn't opened it for 15 years, my whole lifetime, I thought.

I used the duster to dust the shelves. Down here in the basement there were more shelves, with more books. That looked fairly similar to the book I found in the library. Which in a way it felt like paradise, it was isolated and you were surrounded by books, what else can I ask for. Well maybe for this place to be cleaned up but beside that this is perfect.

I've been down here 2 hours, I have already cleaned most of the shelves on the left side and sweeping the floor, on the left side, to the counter tops resting against the wall to there valued vases. Still needed to clean the right side, however the left side didn't look as dusty anymore.

I sighed," Finished. Just the right side to go."

I dusted of the last shelf.

I turned around and faced the dusty shelf across from me. I pointed to it with the duster and said, "Your next."
As if the shelf would listen to me.

In the middle of the room there were circular tables with 4 chairs each. There were 5 tables, all of this made me wonder what this basement was used for.

I walked towards the the shelf that I had to clean next but then as if the god of humiliation extended his leg out, I fell to the ground. I almost hit my face but if it wasn't for my quick reflex I managed to put my hands in front of me, so my position was awkward as if I was going to do push ups.

Dust flew all over my face, which I wasn't prepared for so some dust went into my mouth and eyes. I got on my knees and tried to get the disgusting taste of dust out of my mouth so I looked like person who lost their mind and thought they were a cat.

I rubbed my eyes that stinged from the dust.
"Why do I deserve this humiliation?" I said.

I stood up and sneezed, "Dammit."
I dusted myself and picked up the duster which fell on the floor.

I groaned as I looked up,"I just lost all my energy to finish cleaning."

As I was looking up something caught my eye. On top of the shelf there was a small trunk, it was green and had rusty sides as well as a rusty lock.

I tilted my head to the side. The trunk was really intriguing me to pick it up.
I shook off the thoughts and went to the shelf to clean it.

Every now and then I would stop and look at the trunk. Why is it attracting me so much?

I can smell my mother and father?
That's so weird.

I can pick up scent very well now, I remember how I struggled with that in class. But that's when most people found out I was a nephalem. I also found out that Kangjoon was a Cambion and found out what everyone was. I remember how Kang joon would tease me because I couldn't pick up the smell and how I struggled with it. So I would hide in my bathroom and practiced taking deep breaths and smelling.

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