Chapter 9: Your Mistake

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(A/n: It's gonna be a long chapter😅)

Everyone makes mistakes,but admit your own before you point out someone else's.
( credit to

I stood there the wind caressing my skin.

"Where am I?"

There was no sign of life anywhere. It was just a cloudy gray sky, sand, grass and me. I was alone, but I didn't feel scared, I felt relaxed. I was finally away from the world. The burden on my shoulders had lifted away.

I spun around with a big smile spread all over my face. I stopped as I saw some black wings spread wide open.

Telling from the back that person was a guy. He slowly turned around and my lips curled up into a smile.


He wore white pants and a white loose shirt. He was also barefoot, he looked so angelic the only thing he needed was a halo and white wings.

He spread his arms opened and called out to me. "Come back to me."

Those words.

"I need you."

My smile faded and I backed away. The pressure and burden falling on top of me again.

"I can't, I'm dangerous."

"Don't say that."

"I am! If you come near me you will get hurt, and that's the least thing I want for you."

" I don't care, the reason I live is because of you. The reason I'm here is because of you."

"You don't understand, they'll take you away from me. Just like everyone else..." I whispered the last part.

"I will not let that happen, were safe here."

I started walking towards him. "Don't ever leave me, no matter what. I will never leave you." I said.

I ran to his embrace. "I promise."

"I promise too, y/n."

He flinched and let out a soft groan. I looked up at him.
"What's wrong?"


He fell onto his knees.
"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." he was falling to his side but I managed to catch him.

"No you are not." I said holding onto him.  He went on his side so that his face was on my abdomen. That's when I realized, he was shot by an arrow.
The arrow pierced through his skin, it stained his perfectly white shirt with red. The arrow was located between the middle of his wings, the weakest spot.

I looked up frantically but no one was around. I turn him facing up. I cupped his cheek.
"Your hurt, we need help!"
But what help, we were helpless with nothing around us.
"Kangjoon, don't go..."

He smiled at me," Y/n, I'm okay..."

He coughed while shutting his eyes in pain. He was having a hard time breathing.

"Shh, don't talk. Don't force yourself."

"Remember that in the end your love always saves me..."

I held onto him tighter, tears rolling of my cheeks.
"Nonsense, stop talking."

"There you go crying..." he laugh slightly but then he winced in pain.

Nephalem (BTSxReader)(TaehyungxReader)Where stories live. Discover now