Chapter 15: So close..yet so far

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Sometimes I feel like my whole life is a battle to not completely fall in love with my best friend.

He told me I was too good for anyone to date me, but why isn't he trying to stop me from falling in love with the man that is making my heart beat really fast and giving me butterflies in my stomach.

Narrator P.O.V

Taehyung arrived with Y/n in his arms, safely to the Academy.

He slowly walked to Kangjoon who was sitting on the steps of the entrance of the back of the Academy. He was looking up at the starless sky.

Taehyung approached him as the ground beneath him cracked and made crumbling sounds.

Kangjoon looked towards the direction of the sound and when he saw y/n in Taehyung's arms a flood of panic hit his face. He bolted out of his sitting position and stood there looking at them.

"Don't worry, she's asleep." Taehyung said looking at Kangjoon as if he knew what he was thinking.

Kangjoon sighed in relief. But his heart was hurt, seeing y/n in someone else's arms made his heart ache. She had her face buried in Taehyung's chest and her arms tightly wrapped around his neck.

He walked to them.

"Here, take her. I'm sure you will safely take her back to her room." Taehyung sighed looking at y/n as her grip on him loosened and was received in KangJoon's arms.

"What happened?"

"I'm sure she'll explain it to you later."

"We need to talk."

"Okay, I have to run an errand first and I'll be back to speak with you."

With that Taehyung left in a rush into the building.

Kangjoon looked at y/n who looked so at peace, her arms dangling the air. He softly whispered to her, "It breaks my heart to see you in someone else's arms other than mine."

He entered the building at took her to her room.

Taehyung ran through the halls until he arrived to Ms.Yang's office. Two bodyguards stood outside, keeping there stance in protection.

He ran to them and tried to barge in the office but only to get pushed by the bodyguards.
"Let me in, you muscled idiots!"

"We aren't allowed to, there is an important meeting going on." The first Bodyguard stated.

"Important meeting?! My ass, let me in before I make myself go in."

"No can do." The second Bodyguard added crossing his arms, towering over Taehyung sending him a glower.

Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair frustrated and paced around.
"You don't understand, it's really important."

"Just like the meeting, you twig." The second Bodyguard provoked.

Taehyung scoffed, "Twig? Do you want to see how this Twig can kick your ass to Neverland?"

Soon the door shot opened revealing a furious Taehyung . He shook his hands as he shot a glare to the bodyguards on the floor curling in pain clutching onto their sides. He went up to Ms. Yang who was having a meeting with the heads of other Academy's.

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