Chapter 1: The boy who glued me back together

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When you meet someone who tries their hardest to stick by you regardless of how difficult you are, keep them.

Keep them at all costs because finding someone who cares enough to look past your flaws isn't something that happens everyday.
🔴It's a long chapter, just putting that out there🔴

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I found myself in a room. In front of me was a drawer with a white vase and a orchid found itself in inside the vase.

I slowly moved my head to the left and there was a counter top above a desk. There was chair neatly tucked in the space from the desk. The countertop had books neatly organized on it and the desk had everything nicely placed on it. The wood was polished and it had a light above it.

To my right there was a window with a part of the wall nicely built inside of it, it was made into something you can sit on. With its pink and white cushions and red layer cushion placed over the surface of the built in wall. The sun was shining bright outside, trees slightly moving along with the wind side to side.

I looked back forward, to the right of the drawer there was a door which led to the restroom. From the desk to the right there was another door but it was closed.

I tried sitting up but It just made me groan and moan in pain. My limbs and body were sore.

"Where am I?" I said softly, while holding onto my head. My head hurt so much, even breathing hurt. My chest was tired from not getting enough air.

There was a knock on the door and my eyes widened and I looked around for anything I could grab to defend myself but nothing was near me.

The door opened revealing a woman that was probably around the same age as my mother. She was holding a tray that had a bowl with steam rising from it, a small towel nicely placed to the side of it. I looked at her closely, she looked very familiar.

My eyes went big after realizing who it was, she was my mother's best friend, Mina. She greeted me with a smile, my eyes just followed her as she went towards the desk where she placed the tray she was holding. Then she pulled the chair from the desk and placed it near my bed. She sat down and looked at me. I looked straight forward without looking at her.

She reminded me of my mom. I can't look at her confidently because I can already feel a lump forming in my throat. I tried swallowing to get rid of it but it didn't work.

"How are you feeling, y/n?"

My eyes widened. She recognized me after all these years, it's been so long since I've seen her. The last time I saw her I was 3, according to my mother.

I slowly turned to look at her but I shouldn't have done that because I ended up breaking down. She hugged me and did circles on my back.

"It's okay dear, let it all out."

I broke the hug and wiped my tears with the back of my hand and had little hiccups, from crying so hard.

"Mina..." I said softly.

She looked at me worriedly, I could tell she had millions of questions to ask but she was just holding herself back.

"My parents...are dead." I cried,"They killed them..."

"Who did?"

"I don't know, but there many of them and they took my parents away from me!" I sobbed harder.

"Shh, it's alright. Don't force yourself right now—"

Nephalem (BTSxReader)(TaehyungxReader)Where stories live. Discover now