Chapter 17: No more sitting around

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I've found who I am. No more hiding who I wanna be...This is me...


"Do the universe a favor, don't hide your magic..."


I felt as if my whole world was spinning, the numbness ran through my veins like electricity. Could there really be anything more desperate than being paralyzed while watching your life flash before your eyes?

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I remembered my mother's pained face as she was struck with a sword on the flesh of her stomach. I will never forgive, nor forget, that man of the Angiris Council who smirked and savored the moment of my mother's suffering.

Another tear rolled off as I remembered the day my father was strangled and burn to death by the hands of the Great Evils. I only got to see that scene by peeking through a hole from the closet found underneath the staircase in the living room, my mother was busy casting spells trying to keep us safe. By the end, she was devastated. Screams of orders echoed in the burning house, black smog flooded the place along with laughter and roars of cheers of the men as if their favorite sports team had won. My mother pulled me through a white portal she enchanted, she let out soft cries—trying not to make any loud noise to avoid getting caught—as she pulled me closer to cry into her chest as she mourned the death of the love of her life. The man she gave her life too.

Can I really just give up like this? Do I really have to be screaming and pleading for help?

Ever since, my childhood, my life, slipped through my fingers; I made a promise to myself, that I will no longer run away. No longer be scared. No longer try to hide away. I promised, that I would avenge the death of my parents. That I would be strong. That I will fight through.

Ever since finding my new home, I've learned something. I created a new goal for myself. That is, No more abomination to us Nephalems, Cambions or Nephilims. No more abolishment towards us.

We belong here in the mortal realm. We are meant to rule it.

Why? Well we are all half-breeds, if we can't be accepted in the other realms because it's against the "law", why would we go? The mortal realm is our safe place, our home. We don't plan on giving it away to some stupid commanders who can't even handle their own realms. Not that I am not willing to share it with those who come from the other realms seeking for a different future. In fact, they are welcomed. The "Eternal War" has been going on for years—no scratch that—its been going on for eons. Longer since the stars burned. Yet, no one has won because they are being greedy, selfish, and arrogant for more power. The mortal realm belongs to the mortals, half-breeds and The Almighty.

Sometimes I wonder whether The Almighty really cares about us. I mean if he did, none of this would be happening.

Another thing that bothers me is, why the love between a human and any of us, be considered as a taboo? Besides the fact it has the potential of lowering our population, but I doubt that will happen because many would never leave their realms for humans or angels, or demons. Maybe just a few, like my parents, but everyone lives with a very close-minded mind—from what I picked up in the stories, my mother would tell me as a child. Though the stories were full of fantasies and childish things-- as it was meant for a child--I was still deeply intrigued by the history of my background. Nephalems are the rulers of the mortal realm. Were just a few, maybe just me, being the only one left since an outbreak of a war to end the 'Nephalems'. We are the rulers because no matter in what realm, we are the strongest. We were chosen by The Almighty to take charge of the mortal realm. And that's exactly what I will do. Now I know my purpose, I have a purpose. Maybe, I've always had but I never really acknowledge it because I was being consumed by the sadness and the dangers in my life, but maybe they also had a purpose, all my life I thought that I was really a taboo. Now, I've learned I'm not. So there is no reason for giving up, I have to save my people. I just can't believe how long it took me to realize that.

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