Chapter 12: Fallout Kiss

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Why would you waste your time with a girl like me?
I am not good and I will never be.

Narrator P.O.V
Taehyung plopped down onto the couch, found in their game room. He let out a sigh looking up at the ceiling, pondering about something deeply.

What am I thinking? He thought. As he fidgeted with his hair.

Hoseok walked into the room sucking on the straw attached to his apple juice-juice box. "Hey Tae!" He greeted with his cheerful smile as always. A smile guaranteed to brighten everyone's day.

Taehyung quickly stood up and went to Hoseok. In a blink of an eye he had Hoseok pinned to the wall. His eyes stared deep into Hoseok's.
"What are you doing?" Hoseok asked confused.

"Don't you remember? Should I refresh your mind?"

"Your nuts that's what." Hoseok added pushing him to the side only to be pinned back to the wall with his juice box in front of his face—being the only thing between their faces from the closeness.

"The only selfish thing I can do to you is this." Taehyung leaned in, acting as if he was going to kiss him and Hoseok moved his head back exposing his double chin and expressing a disgusted face.  Taehyung smirked and took sip from Hoseok's juice box.

He backed away laughing, clutching his stomach in pain. "You s-should'v-ve s-seen your face!" He pointed at Hoseok out of breath from laughter.

"You really are crazy." Hoseok stated plopping himself on a single couch across the couch Taehyung was on. He sipped on his juice box eyeing Taehyung in disappointment who rolled on the floor still laughing.

He stood up gaining his composure, coughing a few times to control his laughter. He wiped his tears with his fingers. "Phew, that was the best laugh in years."

"I don't understand, you're a hard person to comprehend ya' know."

"Whatever, I should wait for my next victim. So don't you dare say anything."He ordered,"Your face was priceless, I could totally imagine her face like that."

Her?, Hoseok thought.

On cue his next victim entered the room, Jeon Jungkook.
"Hey guys!" He greeted.

Hoseok raised his hand still sipping his on his juice box. Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair and approached the clueless Jungkook.

"Tae, do you want to grab some donuts?" He asked.

But Taehyung ignored the question and quickly pinned him to the wall. Jungkook just stared at him with confusion.
"Do you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"Should I refresh your mind?"

"It would be helpful."

"The only selfish thing I can do you you is this." Taehyung said in a low voice.

He cupped Jungkook cheeks and Jungkook looked at him confused but then seem to know what Taehyung was doing. Taehyung tilted his head and leaned closer to Jungkook's face.

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