Chapter 2: Touché

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He's been there:
When I cry. When I get heart broken.When I laugh. When theres been rough times. When I'm mad. When I'm happy. When I'm jealous. When I'm crazy. When I'm down. When I'm sad. When I'm pretty. When I'm ugly...Basically, he's been through everything with me and that's what I call: MY BEST FRIEND
(Credit to the respective owner of the quote)

When I went to sleep, I had a hard time falling asleep. My mother kept appearing in my dreams and then that man who killed her.

Then it which switch to where what I can only see was pitch black. Kids were screaming. Then I could see each and every one of their faces, they had fear written all over their faces. They would back away from me and scream. They would cry and run away.


"You're a Monster!!"
They would shout.

"No I'm not!!! I'm not a monster..." I would cry out to them.

My eyes shot open and I sat up putting my hand over my chest. My chest heaving in a very fast pace, I took deep breaths trying to regain my air. I felt as if I was suffocating like I had before; it was a very uncomfortable feeling and my lungs felt as if someone was squeezing them in their clutch.

I dabbed the sweat of my forehead, I didn't realize that I was sweating; until I felt sweat drops rolling off my forehead. I calmed down, but I felt afraid, alone.

I tossed my blanket to the side and put on my slippers. I made my way to the door and opened it carefully. I closed the door behind me and walked down the hallway looking for Kang joon's room. Which luckily the hallway wasn't dark since the lights were left on at night, so I felt safe that I wouldn't open the wrong door.

I walked to a white door with two big bold letters stuck on it, they read "KJ".

I turned the knob slowly and cautiously trying not to make noise so I would wake anyone up.

When I open the door the light of the hallway entered and revealed to me something very special.

Kang joon was lying on his bed with his mouth open and he was drooling. He had dropped his pillow and the blanket was almost completely off the bed; his arm was dangling off from the bed, as well as his leg that poke out from the blankets even his body wasn't straight he was slanted which caused his head to dangle a bit. I put my hands over my mouth so I wouldn't laugh, but that was not helping so I quickly rushed in and closed the door slowly.

"What in the world?" I muttered under my breath.

I walked up to him and placed my hands over his chest shaking him a bit.
"Kang joon~" I said in a whisper.

He didn't even budge one bit. So I tried again, shaking him a bit harder.
"Kang joon~" I said raising my voice a little bit higher.

He just moaned and turn to his side taking his blanket with him making it into a churro.

I shooked him a bit harder. "Kang joon~" I said louder.

"What?" He groaned.

"Can I sleep with you?"

"Mhmm." He answered groggily.

He sat up squinting at me, he wiped his drool away with the back of his hand and wiped it on his shirt, he also ruffled his hair.

I picked up his pillow and sat on his bed taking off my slippers while he fixed the sheets.

"Were you having bad dreams?"

Nephalem (BTSxReader)(TaehyungxReader)Where stories live. Discover now