Chapter 3: Slam Dunk

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We walked down the hallway, and arrived at the kitchen.

The kitchen, looked more like a cafeteria, it was half filled since it was lunch time and everyone had come to suffice their stomachs.

We made our way to the stand with food and took a tray, as well got in line from the people who were choosing there food.

"Aye! Kangjoon sit with us man!" Shouted a guy, sitting at one of the tables at the far right in a corner.

He waved at them and shot them a smile, the he turned to look at me, "I'll sit with you. What are you gonna get?"

"It's okay, you can sit with them. I don't know what to get though." I said while I looked at the food in front of us. A row of delicacies  and splendid looking food; that by just looking at it and their scent filling up my nose, was enough to fill me up. There was a variety of options, from seafood to soups, to pastries to rice cakes.

"Here. I'll help with that." He suggested, taking my tray from my hands. He added two pieces of pizza on his tray and mine, he also added ( your choice of drink and other food). He added coke to his tray and a Caesar salad.

He took my tray in one hand and his on other hand.
"Let's go."

"Wait, let me help you."

"No, I can do it."

I stood in front of him and took my tray.
"You can sit with your friends, I was planning eating somewhere else anyway."


"Just go, they're waiting for you."


"Thanks for the food."

He went to the desert section and brought back four rice cakes and placed two on my tray.

"Enjoy the desert." He added before turning on his heels and going over to his friends.

It was the right thing to do right? I don't want him to feel bad to leave me alone just because I don't have friends.

I left the kitchen and sat outside and ate my food quietly.
I opened the door to the library and stepped inside.

I moved forward to one of the shelves and ran my fingers over the spines of the books. I've read every single one here, I feel so accomplished because of that.

As I walked between the shelves, I spotted a book on the floor.
"What's that doing there?"

I went to it and picked up. The cover was smooth and rough at the same time. In big bold white letters it said 'The Great Conflict'
I ran my fingers through the letters.

"I've never seen this book before."

I'll read it because after all I've been searching for a new book.

The door opened and Kangjoon came in. I instinctively hid the book behind me.
"I knew you would be in here." He said as he approached me.

"What do you want?"

"What? I can't be with my best friend anymore?" He questioned, "What's wrong? I know you very well, y/n. You've been acting very strange lately."

"Nothing is wrong, I'm perfectly fine."

The atmosphere was becoming tenser by the minute. I had to cut this conversation here fast.

"Kangjoon, I have to go."
I uttered as I ran out the door.
I sat at the corner of my bed and slowly opened the book.

Nephalem (BTSxReader)(TaehyungxReader)Where stories live. Discover now