Chapter 16: Going around in Circles

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"Mark my words, you will rue this day, lament it in tears. You will come to me on your knees sobbing, begging for forgiveness. But I will tell you now and I will tell you then, you are on your own..."

―Addison Moore, Expel

Weeks fly by so fast that I can't even keep up with time anymore. I have been ignoring Kangjoon all this time―just how he has been with me ―funny how one person can ruin such a strong bond, like a "friendship". Maybe its not time to sulk at the idea that our friendship has come to an end, because, this just may be the beginning of our start together.

A few days ago, Minju came up to me and asked if we could share a chat together. I consented. She was honest and straightforward about her feelings, every word that left her lips, pierced my heart be-gifting this unhealthy feeling to my stomach.


I hurriedly made my way to Mina's "Office", it wasn't her official office but she needed a place to continue with her own duties. She had summoned me out to speak with me about an intriguing matter and I was heading to her location when I stopped in my tracks viewing the clad figure in front of me at the end of the hallway, trying their best to show me a smile, it was forced as if they were held at knife-point.

Minju stood in front of me in the dim hallway; that had rays of sunlight peek out from behind the elegant curtains masking the huge arched windows, one leg poised behind her attached to the wall while she had one hand on her hip. Her brown-golden locks fell down onto her shoulders like a cascade.

"Long time no talk, Y/n?" She delivered her message across the hallway.

I stared at her as her lips curled up into a smirk. I showed her a small smile and greeted back, "Minju, how have you been?"

"Just getting by...the end is getting close."

I had no idea what she meant, but I could only guess she meant about the end of me and Kangjoon.

She slowly made her way to me, never breaking the eye contact nor removing her crossed arms from her chest.

"What ending?"

She stop her pace in front of me one step before the other, she scoffed, "Don't worry about it. Now, the reason I'm here today is because of someone very special to you and to me."


"Kangjoon, you silly!" She giggled.

"What?" I asked utterly confused.

"Lets get to point, you and him haven't been on good terms—"

"Why do you care? Now, I'm starting to believe it was because of you."

"Believe what you want, but leave him alone. He doesn't need you nor do you need him, the only thing you do to him is hurt him—physically and emotionally—so I suggest you get out of his life." She spat out causing my heart to drop to my stomach, she was right and that frustrated me.

"If you're wondering how I know, it's because he came to me." She put-forth bluntly emphasizing "me" while a smirk pulled at her lips.

I looked down, the frustration she was making me feel was slowly eating me away. I curled my hands into fists, something I really hate about people was them bringing up my reality; that was the least thing I wanted to hear come out of their lips—especially from a trusted person.

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