Chapter 6: Those bastards have returned

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Those Bastards smell fear so be careful.

3 years have passed...

Since I found out that I was also half mortal.

This whole situation put a lot of pressure on me, reason being that someone can come out hurt again because of me.

I want to protect the people around me. But how?

I haven't found the answer to this question but sooner or later it will come to me. On the other hand, I've kept practicing controlling my powers even new ones I didn't know I have. Mina has done a good job of training me.

3 years have passed...

And my feelings for Kangjoon haven't changed one bit.

My heart aches every time I see him. I miss him desperately everyday. When I see him, I just want to hug him and call him mine...but... I can't. I can't because I'm a coward...
I'm afraid of losing him, he is the only person I have left.

I'm afraid of losing my bond with him.

But what I'm most afraid of is...that I'm putting him in danger. Their looking for me and when they find me they won't have mercy on anything or anyone. I will not let him get hurt because of me.

Everything so far has been fairly good except I've noticed the atmosphere has been changing it feels tense and Mina these past few weeks seems to be worried about something.

Whatever it may be I can sense it's not going to be good.

In terms of friends haven't been able to make any. Don't get me wrong people I know from here are acquaintances not friends. My only real friend is a worm, Kang joon, that over priced potato has been very pranksy (if that even is a word) lately.

Although he can be a complete dork at times his swordsmanship skills are still better than mine. I ranked 4th placed in a competition we had for class and he ranked 1st.

I tried my best and won some good opponents but when one of my enemies that's went my effort went down the drain. My enemy, I so call, if you remember she was one of my bullies, the leader you can say, and I accidentally burned her. I hope at least she thinks twice before doing something wrong. Her scar is still visible and it's has been doing good, so the only scar I had left was on her elbow.
The others that were victims of mine, had better luck. Some recovered fast while others have small scars, but thanks to the great nurse we have, they are all perfectly fine; which is a relief to me. I didn't even know we had a nurse at that time.

Back to the point, when I was going up against her she seemed to be having fun. She finally was feeding her revenge but it didn't seem to suffice her.

"Our next pair of players is...(y/n) vs. Jae-eun."

I gulped as Jae-eun stepped forward doing all sorts of tricks with her sword as if she was a kung fu fighter handling a bamboo stick on her palm.

One thing was for sure, she was ready to fight. She looked at me and she had this glint in her eye. I don't know why I was nervous, it could be the fact about our past or that she is really a good fighter with this seeing how she handled her opponents.

She stepped into the circle which we call a ring and she loosened her muscles.

I faced her and prepared my self for the fight. I moved my foot around making sure I had good ground.

"Okay, now girls remember a fair fight and don't step out of the ring."

"Right!" We said in unison.

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